Chapter 17

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  Two weeks pass and I am back on my feet. But something is wrong. My SOUL is weak. Really weak. And no AUs are safe for me to get checked out at. "BlUe. I'm FiNe. My SOUL mAy Be WeAk BuT i'M nOt GoInG tO dIe. I'm ImMoRtAl. ReMeMbEr?"
"I know. But I still think you should get looked at for your SOUL." Blue replies. "Medic and Sci are neutral. One of them would be willing to help you."
I feel my SOUL tighten in my chest. Not again! Please not again! I think. I'm mentally panicking as I start having another attack.
"Oh no! Error! Nightmare! Error needs help! Now!" Blue shouts.
I can't see! Why can't I see?! I just wanted to spend time with the gang before I went out to destroy! Fate is finally being quiet and hasn't forced me to do anything yet! Even the voices are quiet! It's so dark! So cold! Nightmare! Cross! Horror! Dust! Killer! Blue! Where are you?! Where did you go?!
Nightmare gently taps Error with one of his tentacles. He had come in the hospital room and found Error crying in his sleep, clutching his skull with one hand. He watches as Error jolts awake. "Error. Take it easy. I'm right here." He says.
"NiGhTmArE?" I ask, looking around the room. "WhErE aM i?"
"You're in MedicTale."
"WhAt Am I dOiNg HeRe?" I ask.
"You had a bad attack. Medic has you on an IV that has a pretty powerful pain killer mixed with liquid healing magic. He says you'll have to stay here for a while until the cause of your SOUL suddenly being weak is determined. That means no destroying. Ink is still extremely injured. Turns out I put him in a coma." Nightmare replies.
I nod as I take in the information. Suddenly, pain shoots through my bones. "GaH!!"
"Easy Error. It's just a spike. It'll pass soon. It always does. Remember?" Nightmare says.
I weakly nod as the painkiller kicks in. So tired... But I don't want to sleep... What if I get hurt? What if I have a nightmare?
Nightmare notices Error fighting to stay awake. "Go to sleep Error. I'll make sure you don't get any nightmares." He says. He visibly relaxes and turns passive once Error falls asleep. These past two weeks have been stressful for him.
"So they are capable of caring for others. Interesting."

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