Chapter 36

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I sigh as I step into the Save Screen which just so happens to be Geno's domain. I don't see Geno yet but that doesn't mean anything. He could be watching us right now from somewhere else. I wait for the others to come through the portal before I close it, cutting off our only way out if something goes wrong.
"So how are we gonna convince Geno to join us?" Horror asks, tilting his head slightly in confusion.
"We HaVe To FiNd HiM aNd CoNvInCe HiM tO tAlK tO uS. tHeN wE tElL hIm AbOuT tHe BaLaNcE aNd Go FrOm ThErE. hOpEfUlLy He BeLiEvEs Us. If NoT tHeN wE'rE aLl DoOmEd." I say, eye lights moving around as I search for any visual signs of Geno.
Geno silently watches Error and the others from his hiding place. He can easily be seen or felt from where he's at but he's far enough away it's hard to see him and he's lessened his aura so Nightmare can't sense him.
What are they doing here? Are they here to finish me off? It doesn't look like it. They appear to be searching for me. Perhaps they want to talk to me about something. But what? I can't make out anything from this far away.
It's probably better if I keep a safe distance. Wow. Safe distance. In the Save Screen. I'm the best and the worst at making Save Screen related puns. Focus Geno. You have a job to do. You have to make sure they're not here to do any harm. If they are then you have to call Ink.
Don't get distracted. And most importantly, stay determined. Now, time to watch a band of Bad Sanses and a couple of traitors. This should be interesting.
Geno continues to spy on the group of Sanses who by now have found where he usually resides. He stays where he's at, phone in his hand in case he needs to call Ink. Suddenly, the group teleports in front of him and like any sensible skeleton, he screams in fear and surprise.
  Nightmare is the first to react as he wraps a tentacle around Geno's mouth. "Stop screaming. We're only here to talk. Nothing more. We want you to listen to us. And listen carefully because we won't repeat ourselves." He retracts the tentacle, allowing Geno to speak.
  "What do you want to talk about?" Geno asks. "And make it quick. I don't have all day and I will call Ink if you try and hurt me. I happen to have him on speed dial."
  "Afraid Ink can't come at the moment." Horror says. "We beat him up badly enough he's in the hospital in MedicTale cause he gravely injured Error."
  A look of surprise flashes across Geno's face. Ink's in the hospital?! But how?! He should've been able to take care of them easily! Yet again they did say he injured Error. And it's a known fact the Bad Sanses seem to be like a family. I better listen to what they have to say.
  "Go on." Geno begins. "Enlighten me. What's so important that you had to invade my domain? Especially with the fact Reaper visits randomly and could appear at any moment and see you here."
  Killer gives a dry laugh. It's honestly kind of creepy. "Reaper's busy. There's too much life and not enough death."
  Geno sighs. "Darn it. The balance. I forgot about it. Oh well, I guess we do have all day since Ink is out of commission and Reaper is busy. I would offer you tea but I don't have any here.
"No NeEd." I say as I open a portal and out come enough teacups and tea for all of us, well for everyone else. I just grabbed several chocolate milkshakes for Cross and I. I notice Geno looks shocked and I simply smirk.
"Did you even pay for that?!" Geno exclaims, shocked at what Error just did. Did he just steal that?! I thought the Bad Sanses at least payed for their stuff! Or are they so poor they can't? But if they were poor they would look like it. So why did Error just steal that?
  I look at Geno with a look that says are you kidding me. "WhY wOuLdN't I sTeAl It? StEaLiNg'S wHaT wE dO. iT's HoW wE gEt AlL oUr SuPpLiEs AnD fOoD."
Geno sputters a little bit. "Can't you just go to a store and buy everything? Why do you always need to steal it? I mean, it's not like you can't go in any store without being attacked."
The entire gang looks at Geno like he's stupid then starts laughing. "Hahahahaha!"
  "You Good Sanses are all so stupid. We're the Bad Sanses and Nova Sanses. We're hated by everyone. We can't go in an AU without being attacked." Nightmare begins. "So even though we have a lot of G from our raids, we can't use it for shopping because we'll get attacked."
  Geno sighs. "I'm sorry about that. I forgot that  happens since I can't leave here. It must be rough on you."
  "It Is." I begin, staring Geno dead in his eye socket. "EsPeCiAlLy BeCaUsE i GeT aTtAcKeD fOr TrYiNg To KeEp ThE bAlAnCe."
  Geno's eye light shrinks. "There's a balance?! Why didn't I know about this?!" He can't believe what he's hearing. There's a balance?! Is that why Error destroys?! To save us or something?! Why did I not know this until now?!
  Blue sighs. "You know of one balance. The balance between Life and Death. ReaperTale Toriel, Life, allows us to give birth to new life. She created life and that's how we're all here. But too much life can cause damage to our worlds."
  "That's where Reaper comes in." Geno says. "He reaps the SOULS of humans and monsters so new life can be born and nothing bad happens."
  "Correct." Cross says. "Then there's the balance between Positivity and Negativity. Dream and Nightmare take care of that. Dream works to bring positivity to worlds with too much negativity. He feeds off of the positivity people radiate when he helps them."
  "It's how he's so strong in positive AUs. Nightmare on the other hand feeds off of negativity. And spreads it too. He generates negativity by attacking AUs and giving people nightmares."
  "If there's too much positivity then people won't regret anything. Bad things will happen like murder and arson and they won't be punished. People won't regret what they've done and eventually the AUs will fall into disrepair and the Multiverse could collapse."
  "Nightmare spreads negativity to prevent that from happening."
  "Then there's the balance between Good and Evil. That's taken care of by the Charas, Frisks, Chara equivalents and Frisk equivalents." Nightmare begins, silently pleased things are going according to plan.
  "Too much Good in the world and no bad events will happen to help shape the world. Too much Bad and the Multiverse could collapse. The Charas, Swap Frisks, and Chara equivalents push the Frisks, Swap Charas, and Frisk equivalents to do either Pacifist or Genocide routes based on which way the balance is tipping."
  Nightmare waits to allow Error to explain his balance so Geno has a chance to take all the information in.
  Geno's mind is whirling with questions. There's more than one balance?! But how?! And why?! More importantly, why did I not know about the other two balances? Although, it looks like Error wants to say something. He's literally fidgeting and moving around and he normally never does that.
  "Is there something you need to tell me Error?" He asks, seeing the look on the other's face.
  I nod, smiling because of the fact Geno is willing to listen. "ThErE's A fOuRtH bAlAnCe. ThE bAlAnCe BeTwEeN cReAtIoN aNd DeStRuCtIoN. iNk Is ThE gOd Of CrEaTiOn. I'm ThE gOd Of DeStRuCtIoN."
  "ThE mUlTiVeRsE iS lIkE a BoX. yOu CaN oNlY pUt So MuCh StUfF iN iT bEfOrE yOu HaVe To TaKe StUfF oUt To FiT mOrE. nOw ImAgInE iT's A bOx FuLl Of DrAwInGs."
  "NoW, tHiS bOx RePrEsEnTs ThE mUlTiVeRsE aNd ThE dRaWiNgS rEpReSeNt ThE AUs. InK kEePs pUtTiNg MoRe AnD mOrE dRaWiNgS iN tHe BoX wItHoUt ReMoViNg SoMe FiRsT."
  "bEcAuSe Of ThAt ThE mUlTiVeRsE iS rUnNiNg OuT oF sPaCe. I dEsTrOy AUs To PreVeNt ThEm FrOm CrAsHiNg InTo EaCh OtHeR. iF uNdErTaLe WeRe To Be DeStRoYeD, tHe EnTiRe MuLtIvErSe WoUlD dIe."
  "So what do you say?" Blue begins. "Will you join our side and become a Nova Sans and help us stop the true threat to the Multiverse?"
  Geno looks down, unsure of who he should choose. If I choose Ink's side then they'll be mad at me. But I could influence Ink's decisions. On the other hand, if I become a Nova Sans, I would be hated by the entire Multiverse but I'd be able to stop Ink all together.
  "I'll join you. I'll become a Nova Sans and help save the Multiverse."

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