Chapter 25

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  I wake up to someone touching me. Wait. Someone's touching me!! "D-DoN't ToUcH mE!" I yell, hoping the person will leave.
  "Error. Calm down. It's just me, your therapist. My name is Lindsey." Lindsey says as she sets the tray of chocolate pancakes down on Error's lap.
  I flinch at the tray but relax when I realize it's just my breakfast and begin eating. "I-I'm ErRoR."
  "Nice to meet you Error. You seem to have severe haphephobia though and Sans says you have PTSD from something that happened. Do you want to talk about it?" Lindsey says as she sits down in a chair.
  I maneuver my arm so the sleeve falls down to reveal my cast. "T-ThEy W-WeRe DoInG a-a TeSt AnD t-tHe NuRsE p-pUsHeD t-tHe NeEdLe t-tOo F-FaR a-aNd A-AnD..."
Lindsey watches as Error starts crying and stops writing what Error is saying. "Error. Error. It's okay. You don't have to tell me if you don't want to. Just breathe okay? No one wants you to have another attack."
I focus on trying to breathe and calm down, slowly chewing on a piece of my pancakes so I can have something I like in my mouth. I find it easier to calm down if I have chocolate in my mouth. "S-Sorry."
"Error. Listen to me. You have nothing to be sorry for." Lindsey says, putting a hand above Error's arm without touching him as a form of trying to comfort him.
I notice Lindsey isn't actually touching me and relax. "A-AnYwAy. T-ThE rAdIuS sNaPpEd. A-AnD tH-tHaNkS f-fOr TaKiNg M-My HaPhEpHoBiA iNtO cOnSiDeRaTiOn."
  "Error. I'm a therapist. I listen to my patients and take all quirks, flaws, likes, and dislikes into consideration." Lindsey begins. "I don't want to and would never do something to intentionally hurt you."
"Y-YeAh." I begin, taking another bite out of my pancakes. "U-Um. I-I'm N-NoT t-tHe BeSt C-CoMpAnY."
  "I don't care about that Error. I'm here to listen to you and your problems and help you with them. I won't tell a single SOUL what you tell me except Sans."
"T-Thanks. H-He'S t-tHe OnLy M-MoNsTeR d-dOcToR h-hErE tHaT i-i TrUsT." I say. "U-Um AnYwAy. Y-YoU g-gEt To MeEt T-The FoRcEd GoD o-oF dEsTrUcTiOn. M-Me." I go on to tell Lindsey about the balance, Nightmare's gang, Blue, the voices, the Anti Void, the Multiverse, what I'm put through by the Good Sanses and more. Everything goes black after I'm done explaining so I assume I've fallen asleep.
Lindsey finishes her notes as Error falls asleep. Poor skeleton. No monster should have to go through that. I'll make a copy of these and give them to Sans. Him and Error seem to be getting along despite their past. She thinks as she quickly rushes to her office to make a copy of her notes.
(Timeskip brought to you by Blue.)
  'Entry 134. Error shared a lot with Lindsey. She really gained his trust. Yet again, Error has taken a liking to everyone in this AU. Dream came back with a recipe for the cure so now we have to create it, perfect it, and replicate it. It'll take a few months to a couple years to do so. That means Error isn't out of the woods yet. But as long as he takes it easy Error shouldn't have very many attacks.'
  'Error's been through a lot. So have the Bad Sanses and Blue. Now Dream and my AU have been roped into this as well. Hopefully it stays between us. We don't need Ink finding out whenever he wakes up. He seems to be having trouble healing according to the other MedicTale Sans and when I called Nightmare he knew exactly why. Nightmare thinks some of his corruption got in Ink so he's going there tomorrow to remove it.'
  'They seem to be doing better emotion wise. They seemed calmer today than they were yesterday. Nightmare said he's planning a party for Error's return. It's sweet of him to do that. It warms my SOUL seeing how nice all of them are to each other, even though all of them except Blue are evil or come from an AU filled with evil(Red.)'
  'I'm still mad at Ink. I'm going to stop going to the meetings to help the Good Sanses. Instead I'm going to go to them to get information for the Bad Sanses. I'll be a spy. I'll tell Nightmare about it tomorrow. I already told Dream and he's fine with it. He's even going to keep it a secret from Ink and the two of them share everything. Even Blue agreed to keep it a secret.'
'One day Error won't have to do this anymore. Then he can finally heal from the eons of suffering he's been through. Same thing for the Bad Sanses. All of them will have a chance to heal. I'm helping them to the road of recovery and hopefully with time they'll get better. All of them have PTSD from events they haven't told me about yet.'
'It makes me sad. They're all Sanses yet they have more mental disorders than the rest of us do. PTSD, haphephobia as well as other unknown things. They seem to have separation anxiety as well due to how they acted when Error got hurt. Speaking of Error, he's not healing well. His cast should be off by now but it's not. I have a feeling it's because of his weakened state caused by his DSS.'
'I'm not too happy Nightmare has to remove his corruption from Ink but Nightmare said Ink could end up like him and that's not good for the balance. Without any creation the AUs will become empty shells of their current glory. Without any destruction the Multiverse will collapse. A balance has to be found that works for both groups. The Bad Sanses expressed wanting a no more creation and no more destruction truce but I have the feeling that won't work out like they want it to.'
'Either way I hope they are able to heal. All of this past and current trauma isn't good for any of them. I'll say that now. They'll need therapy for a very long time before they're as okay as they can be. They're more than just a gang. They're family. All of them. They've all been through so much. They have a closer bond with each other than I do with Paps.'
  'Even though I hate to admit it it's true. Paps is in the Royal Guard and I'm a doctor. Our jobs are so different we don't get to see each other a lot. But these Sanses, they're different. They've helped each other begin the healing process. And they mean a lot to each other. Them knowing Error, the strongest of the group, is severely weakened right now is affecting them greatly and it shows just how much they care about each other.'
  'Hopefully Red will gain the same experience. He has very obvious breakage scars though. You can see it in his eye lights. Small, scared, scars all over his body that are thankfully hidden by his clothes, slight haphephobia, gets scared extremely quick when someone gets mad, a huge stutter when someone gets mad and PTSD.'
  'Red has been through a lot for an Underfell monster. More than normal for a monster from Underfell. He ended up here once. He was extremely injured and about to dust. His Papyrus didn't want that and took him here, saying he had been jumped by monsters from the Royal Guard. I didn't believe him and later on Red hesitantly told the therapist the truth.'
  'I was so mad I was ready to dust Edge. But Red wouldn't let me. Even after all the crap Edge has put him through he still cares about him. Or at least, he did. It seems that bond is finally broken. Red had no regret in his eye lights when plans were made to destroy his AU. I could tell. It'll hit him later though. When it does he'll need all the help and support he can get. Losing your brother isn't easy. I know. When Frisk does genocide because of Chara I always lose Papyrus pretty quickly and no matter how hard I try to let it go each time I can't. I still get nightmares.'
'But enough about side topics. Lindsey made a copy of her notes and gave them to me. It appears Error revealed a lot, including the cause of his trauma. He has some breakage scars as well. Severe haphephobia, major trust issues, scars all over his body, a high pain tolerance. It's abnormally high. And the voices in the Anti Void did him no favors.'
'I just hope he heals. The session seemed to go well today. Error should be able to go home in one to two days. It depends on the test results.'
Medic looks over his entry before saving the file and shutting down his computer. He teleports home and finds himself face to face with his Papyrus.
"Sans? What's wrong? You look stressed." Papyrus asks.
"It's Error and the Bad Sanses plus Blue." Medic replies, not noticing the tears welling in his eye sockets.
Doc(Medictale Papyrus. Don't know his actual nickname) notices and pulls Medic in for a hug. "Brother. Did something happen?"
Medic finally breaks down and tells Doc everything from the moment Error was rushed to the AU. When he's finished he yawns and falls asleep.
Doc chuckles at this and takes Medic to his room and puts him on his bed before going to his own room and going to sleep.

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