Chapter 35

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  Nightmare sighs, crumpling up yet another plan and throwing it towards the overflowing trash can in his room. He grabs another piece of paper and starts writing a new plan, which is exactly the same as the last one.
  When he realizes it's the exact same he crumples it up and instead of the paper hitting the floor, it hits Error, who's just teleported into the room after finding the door locked.
I pick the paper up off the floor and put it in my pocket, intent on reading it once I figure out what's going on with Nightmare. "YoU lOoK fRuStRaTeD. aNd TiReD."
Nightmare sighs and briefly puts his skull in his hands, regretting not putting a magic blocking barrier up in his room. "I'm..." He's cut off by a yawn which he fails to hide. "not frustrated or tired. Just having trouble coming up with a plan."
I simply shake my head in disappointment and teleport behind Nightmare. "NiGhT bOsS." I say as I hit the pressure point on the back of his neck, causing him to pass out. I watch as he slumps forward onto his desk, a dull thud resounding through the room when his skull hits his desk.
Sighing, I pick Nightmare up, quietly humming as I put him in his bed and tuck him in, placing a puppet of me in his hands. I notice him shift and whimper a bit so I start singing a very common lullaby for us Bad Sanses. It's called You Are My Sunshine by Jonny Cash. It's always succeeded at calming us down.
"ThE oThEr NiGhT dEaR, aS i LaY SlEePiNg. I dReAmEd I hElD yOu In My ArMs. BuT wHeN i AwOkE, dEaR, i WaS mIsTakEn. So I hUnG mY hEaD aNd I cRiEd. YoU aRe My SuNsHiNe, My OnLy SuNsHiNe."
  "YoU mAkE mE hApPy WhEn SkIeS aRe GrEy. YoU'lL nEvEr KnOw DeAr, HoW mUcH i LoVe YoU. pLeAsE dOn'T tAkE mY sUnShInE aWaY. i'Ll AlWaYs LoVe YoU aNd MaKe YoU hApPy. If YoU wIlL oNlY sAy ThE sAmE."
  "bUt If YoU lEaVe Me AnD lOvE aNoThEr. YoU'lL rEgReT iT aLl SoMe DaY. yOu ArE mY sUnShInE, mY oNlY sUnShInE. yOu MaKe Me HaPpY wHeN sKiEs ArE gReY."
  "yOu'Ll NeVeR kNoW dEaR, hOw MuCh I lOvE yOu. PlEaSe DoN't TaKe My SuNsHiNe AwAy."
  I watch as Nightmare stops moving, but he's still whimpering. Weird. Normally that much of the song is enough. Oh well, I don't mind. Nightmare's always been a special case.
"YoU tOlD mE oNcE, dEaR, yOu ReAlLy LoVeD mE. aNd No OnE eLsE cOuLd CoMe BeTwEeN. bUt NoW yOu'Ve LeFt Me AnD lOvE aNoThEr. YoU hAvE sHaTtErEd AlL oF mY dReAmS."
  I hear several dull thuds but ignore them, intent on helping Nightmare who by now has stopped whimpering but still looks troubled.
"YoU aRe My SuNsHiNe, My OnLy SuNsHiNe. YoU mAkE mE hApPy WhEn SkIeS aRe GrEy. YoU'lL nEvEr KnOw DeAr, HoW mUcH i LoVe YoU. pLeAsE dOn'T tAkE mY sUnShInE aWaY."
  "iN aLl My DrEaMs, DeAr, YoU sEeM tO lEaVe Me. WhEn I aWaKe My PoOr HeArT pAiNs. So WhEn YoU cOmE bAcK aNd MaKe Me HaPpY. i'Ll FoRgIvE yOu DeAr, I'lL tAkE aLl ThE bLaMe."
  "YoU aRe My SuNsHiNe, My OnLy SuNsHiNe. YoU mAkE mE hApPy WhEn SkIeS aRe GrEy. YoU'lL nEvEr KnOw DeAr, HoW mUcH i LoVe YoU. pLeAsE dOn'T tAkE mY sUnShInE aWaY."
  I walk over to the door and open it. To my surprise the rest of the Bad Sanses and the Nova Sanses are asleep on the floor. ThEy PrObAbLy HeArD mY sInGiNg AnD fElL aSlEeP wHeN tHeY hEaRd ThE lUlLaBy.
I teleport all of them to their rooms and turn around. Once I see that Nightmare is still peacefully asleep I turn the light off and close the door. It takes me about a half hour to repeat the process for the others but soon I retreat to my own room to start my own attempt at a plan.
I know crashing a meeting isn't the easiest thing to do. It takes a lot of planning, strategy, and skill to successfully crash a meeting. Knowing what I have to do, I grab a piece of paper and start writing, sometimes scratching things out if they don't work.
Plan To Crash The Meeting
  Step 1: Go to the Save Screen to convince Geno to join our cause
  Step 2: Heal Geno with food so he can leave the save screen
  Step 3: Call Fresh and convince him to join our cause
  Step 4: Have Fresh open a portal to the meeting
  Step 5: Restrain all the Sanses
  Step 6: Take Ink's brush away from him and throw it in the Anti-Void
  Step 7: Explain the Balance
  Step 8: Try to get other Sanses to join our cause
  Step 9: Return to the mansion and celebrate our success
  I look at the plan I've made one last time and smile, happy with my work. Putting the plan in my jacket pocket, I teleport to Nightmare's room and take all of the papers out of the trashcan. Very slowly so I don't wake Nightmare up, I uncrumple them and smooth them out the best I can. There are still some wrinkles but they aren't too bad.
I've seen way worse when it comes to crumpled up paper. I teleport back to my room with all the papers in my hands and go over to my desk. Sitting down I start going over the plans one by one, sorting them and organizing them so one pile is all duplicates of original plans and one pile is all original plans.
The next thing I know, I hear a door creak from somewhere nearby. StUpId DoOr. LoOkS lIkE iT'lL nEeD oIlEd AgAin. I teleport into the hallway and see Dream leaving his room, rubbing his eye sockets with one hand and keeping his blanket wrapped around him with another.
Looking at a clock in the hallway I see it's been about two hours since I started what I was doing. I follow Dream, making sure he knows I'm there since he's still half asleep and I don't feel like getting attacked.
Dream continues walking to the kitchen, aware Error is following him. Good thing I know he's there. Considering I'm half asleep I'd probably attack him if I didn't. He finally gets to the kitchen and starts rummaging through the pantry, looking for cookies.
Once he finds them he goes to the table and starts eating them, signaling Error to join him.
I join Dream at the table, playing Cat's Cradle with my strings since I have nothing better to do. I don't feel like judging the plans Nightmare attempted to make alone. Sighing, I wait for the rest of the gang to wake up. Once they do I pull all the papers out of my pockets. "AlRiGhT. tImE tO gEt PlAnNiNg."
This ought to be interesting.

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