Chapter 34

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  I sigh, leaning against Nightmare as I look up at the stars. To me, there's no relaxing activity better than stargazing, especially after receiving some grim news.
  Nightmare's phone rang and he took it out of his inventory, looking at the caller ID. He answered it once he realized it was Medic. "Medic? What's going on? Why are you calling?"
  Medic sighed. "Ink woke up. And now that he's awake he's healing at a rapid rate. He was slipping in and out of consciousness for a while now but he's awake for good this time. He's almost done with physical therapy and then he'll be free to go. And then he'll start creating again."
  "I know the next council meeting isn't until Monday but you have to do something to delay Ink from creating as much as possible. Once you get done with whatever you're doing, damage a ton of AU copies. And I mean a ton. Don't do it all at once though. Do it gradually until Ink gets out of the hospital. I'll alert you when that happens."
  Nightmare sighed. "Understood. There's several Underlust copies Error's been wanting to deal with. We can damage some of those and some other ones. I still don't know what the Squid was thinking when he created that AU."
Medic nodded, even though he knew Nightmare couldn't see the action. "Yeah. But I'll let you go now so you can have some family bonding time with the gang. I'll keep you updated."
The two skeletons said their goodbyes before hanging up and going back to their tasks. Nightmare started leading the gang to the back garden and Medic went back to taking care of patients.
(End Flashback)
Nightmare notices Error's actions and gently wraps one of his tentacles around him, letting Error know he's there for him if he needs anything. "You know, I think this is the first time doing this. This is actually kinda nice. Just relaxing with all of you, looking at the stars and having some quality family time together."
I tear my eye lights away from the stars to look at Nightmare, slightly dazed from the serenity of the moment. "YeAh. It'S qUiTe NiCe. It'S aLmOsT aS gOoD aS oUtErTaLe."
  "I'm glad you're enjoying yourself Error." Nightmare begins. "It's been a while since you've been able to relax like this. Considering the fact you've got your job and you had DSS for a bit you've been quite busy."
  Nightmare sighs, debating what to say next. "It's nice to finally have the chance to relax. But all of us know it'll end soon. Ink is nearly ready to leave the hospital and once he does it's straight back to work. The Balance can't fix itself. If it was trying to do that then the end of the Multiverse would be coming."
"Our only hope is to get some Sanses on our side once we crash the council meeting. If we fail it could lead to most of us dying. And I know you wouldn't like that. Not at all."
"I do have some ideas of who we would win over though. Pup is one of them. He gets abused by BlackBerry so he'd more than likely do anything to get away from that. He may love his brother but there's only so much one can take."
"Why do you think Red wants his AU gone? His brother. That's why. The next one would be Classic. Classic is the Original and I doubt he was created by Ink. So that means Classic would judge us more fairly than the others."
"Next is Ganz. Ganz is facing being killed by his brother plus he has Melancholy inside of him as well. He would make an excellent addition. Then there's Geno. Geno is stuck in the Save Screen, all because of a human with no way of getting revenge."
"Ink hasn't even tried to help him. If we could get to the Save Screen we could find Geno and try to recruit him. Along with Geno we'd have to recruit Reaper. Reaper is a Yin like us and hates his job. I know it's possible for him to be able to touch things without them dying."
"But Ink has never helped him with that. Next on my list is Fresh. He struggles with emotions and is technically a parasite. Though he's a Yang he's not well liked, I can tell."
"There's almost always negativity coming from him when he's around other Sanses. Outer would be another good one too. You always go to his AU to
stargaze and he never causes you problems."
"Then of course, there's Medic. Medic helped you heal and helped all of us while you were suffering from DSS and I wouldn't mind having him on the team. He'd be a great ally and an even better friend."
I listen to Nightmare, taking in all the information that I can. He has a good point. All of those Sanses, and obviously Pup, would make good candidates for either the Bad Sanses or the Nova Sanses, depending on which group they choose to join. "So OuR gOaL iS tO tRy AnD rEcRuIt SoMe SaNsEs AnD sWaPpEd PaPyRuSeS tO jOiN uS aNd FiGhT fOr OuR cAuSe."
"PrEfErAbLy PuP, cLaSsIc, GaNz AnD mElAnChOlY, gEnO, rEaPeR, tHe 90'S nIgHtMaRe HiMsElF, oUtEr, AnD mEdIc. SeEmS sImPlE eNoUgH." I say, knowing it's not simple at all. It'll probably take a lot of convincing to get all of them to join our side.
"It's not that simple Error." Nightmare begins, his tentacles twitching slightly. "There are so many possibilities we have to consider. We're about to crash a council meeting the has at least a hundred to two hundred Sanses, Swap Papyruses, and Sans equivalents in it."
"The risk we're taking just to recruit nine people is extremely high. There's only you, me, Cross, Killer, Dust, Horror, Red, Dream, and Blue. There's only nine of us crashing an event where we're extremely outnumbered."
"And even if we do succeed, eighteen against ninety one to a hundred ninety one Sanses, Swap Papyruses, and Sans equivalents are very uneven odds. Even if all eighteen of us were to work together, given that we succeed, we'd still have an incredibly hard time getting out of there."
"Plus, we'll have to worry about getting their stuff from their AUs without being attacked. And if we do get attacked we have to make sure Classic doesn't get hurt, given his one HP."
I think for a moment. Every Sans or Sans equivalent I've encountered that has one HP typically has a virus in their coding. I normally leave it alone if they aren't one of us but if Classic joins then that'll have to be taken care of. Same thing with Pup and Red. "It'S BeCaUsE oF a ViRuS iN tHeIr CoDe ThAt A cErTaIn SqUiD nEvEr ToOk CaRe Of. I cAn TaKe CaRe Of It FoR rEd NoW."
"bUt I hAvE tO wAiT fOr PuP aNd ClAsSiC. iT aLl DePenDs On WhEtHeR oR nOt wE cAn ReCrUiTe ThEm."
  Nightmare sighs and eventually nods. "True. Stars, why does this have to be so hard?! It's normally simple to figure things out! But this is not simple! Not at all!"
  I place a hand on Nightmare's shoulder, preventing him from attacking someone and grounding him to make him calm down. I wait a bit to make sure Nightmare's completely calm before I speak. "I kNoW iT's NoT. oUr WaY oF lIfE nEvEr HaS bEeN sImPlE aNd NeVeR wIlL bE sImPlE. tHaT's JuSt ThE wAy It'S gOnNa WoRk. BuT yOu'Ve GoT uS tO hElP yOu. We'Ll GeT tHrOuGh ThIs ToGeThEr. As A fAmIlY."
  "Agreed. Thank you for that Error. I've wanted to hear that for so so very long. Given my past and current actions I thought I would never be worthy of praise." Nightmare says, looking up at the sky again.
  "YoU'rE wElCoMe. BuT nEvEr EvEr DoUbT yOuR wOrTh Or ThE fAcT yOu DeSeRvE pRaIsE aGaIn."
  Don't worry. I won't.

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