78:|Cute Moment

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Enjoying some privacy between scenes as we were exhausted from filming in Wakanda that were the longest to film, Seb and I were in my trailer.

It was nice just us to relaxing
After everything that has happened to me, with the days and weeks passing by, everything was slowly falling back into place; getting easier.

The memory of Vince and Devin still tried to haunt me. What they did always keeps trying to resurface, yet I kept my mind busy with being Crimson Shadow. When I am not playing Crimson Shadow, Chris and Seb kept my mind at ease getting me through it all.

We were watching some kind of Star Wars movie that he loves so much.

I wasn't a Star Wars fan and for the life of me couldn't tell you what was going on. Not that I didnt understand it, I wasn't paying much attention to it. What was distracting me was my boyfriend.

I was on my comfy couch in the sitting position with my legs stretched out and feet relaxed on the coffee table. Sebastian laid across the couch with his head in my lap while I played with his long hair that he has to cut off when this movie ends. I liked his long hair and it was fun to braid when it is this long. Yes, Seb let's me braid his hair, but in private; no pictures or out in public. He has nice hair. Seb liked when I did, but who doesn't like it when people play with their hair?

Anyway like I was saying Seb is distracting me because he is so attractive to a point that you can't look away and on top of those looks, he's just the best man I know. He did not give up on me when we were broken up, he continued to fight for me, he so caring towards me, and is so patient with how I am. Sebastian truly is an angel, who I honestly don't deserve, but I need him and I am glad he needs me too.

My love for Seb grows more and more everyday as the hurt he caused lessens.

"Are you watching the movie?" he turned to look up at me.

"I am" I kinda lied. I was watching it, but not really.

He can tell when I am lying "You're looking at me not the movie" he was my Star Wars nerd.

"Because you" I booped his nose with my pointer finger "are very handsome"

Sebastian smiled, sitting up halfway to place a hand behind my neck, bringing me in to connect our lips together.

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