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Here I stood in front of my life size mirror in my walk-in-closet in nothing but stretchy pants, shoes, and a bra. I was unsure of what shirt to wear as it had to be a few sizes too big in order to hide the growing bump. I was starting to show and it needed to be hidden when I go out so there wouldn't be any suspicions.

I couldn't help looking at the bump from each angle as I posed at my reflection.

Warm fresh tears started forming in my eyes. I hated the person I was looking at. Some days I felt great; my skin glowed and I had confidence. Then there were days today where I am feeling ugly, gross, and fat.

Stupid hormones, their all over the place!!!!!
I need to get dressed because Seb and I are going out with some of his friends and their girlfriends. I wanted to at least look presentable, yet it is not possible when I am not attractive.

How does Sebastian even love me?

How can he continue to love me looking like this?

“Babe, are you almost ready to go?”

I nearly jumped out of my skin not expecting him to walk in anytime soon, while I was hating myself.

To compose myself, I quickly turned away to where my shirts are hanging to act as if I am looking for a shirt to wear.

“What’s wrong?” I heard him fully walk into the room.

Not wanting to look at him, I clearned my throat “I am fine” pulling out a simple yet nice black top.

“Clearly you’re not” Seb knew me way too well, able to see right through me. He walked up next to me.

“I don’t know what you are talking about” I went to do a 180 and walk away to put the shirt on.

I wasn't able to get away.

Seb grabbed onto my arm for me to stay near him and face him "Keeley stop, talk to me!”

I sighed looking down at our feet not really wanting go face him. I was a bit ashamed. My lips were starting to tremble at how upset I really was.

Seb let go of my arm to be placed lightly on my waist as his other hand went under my chin for me to look up at him “What is bothering you?”

“I am fat, I am ugly, and I look horrible" The forming tears finally started to uncontrollably pour out of my eyes from my confession "as time goes on I am going to look worse and you won’t love me anymore and leave me”

“What?” I watched his face change from concern to his usual confused look “Why would I leave you? Nothing in this world will have me stop loving you, ever! Besides you’re a beautiful woman and most certainly not fat”

“Look at me” glancing down at the bump clearly sticking out “my stomach is big and it is only going to get bigger. I already have ugly stretch marks and my face is just-”

Sebastian went in for a kiss to silence me.
“You’re not fat, you’re pregnant. You are growing a little miracle for our friends be proud of that. These stretch marks” His hands went down to be be placed on either side of my waist “make you even more beautiful." He took a pause with such love radiating off his look through his beautiful eyes "Your face? You’re good looking, cute, pretty, beautiful, gorgeous, sexy, all those things!!!!” Seb hated when I put myself down, but always lifted me back up. “Tue esti cea mai frum asa femeie din lume in ochil mei si nimic nu va schimba asta" ⬅️ (you are the most beautiful woman in the world in my eyes and nothing will change that)

Seb let go of me with one arm to pull out his phone real quick to text someone “Come on!"

“I have to put a shirt on first” I can’t go out with just a bra covering my top half.

“We are not leaving yet. I texted Chase that we’re going to be running a little late”

“Where are we going?”

Seb pulled me into our bedroom and headed right for the bed “I am going to show you just how beautiful you are”

Is This True Love 2 (Sebastian Stan x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now