Chapter 10: Trouble?

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3rd Person's POV

The two lovers spend their whole weekend as usual, cuddling and loving each other.

When the evening comes, they both eat dinner and sleep with each other.

Morning came, it was already Monday.

Jungkook was awoken because of the alarm of his phone.


"What time is it?" He asked his self while reaching for his phone.

"Its 7:30 am, still have time to get ready for school."

He was supposed to get up but he felt a weight in his body. Then, he saw his boyfriend sleeping on top of him looking beautiful as ever.

Jungkook hugs his waist with his left arm while he caress Taehyung's cheek.

Taehyung slowly opened his eyes with a pout engraved in his lips.

"Koo, what time is it?" He said still closing his eyes while he put his chin in Jungkook's hard rock chest.

"It's 8 o'clock, baby. Go take a bath and I will cook our breakfast before we go to school okay?" He said kissing Taehyung's pouty tempting lips.

Taehyung smiled and attempts to get up but he accidentally sit in Jungkook's dick.

"Baby, you better not sit in my dick if you don't want to walk to school limping," Jungkook said while groaning.

Taehyung gets up quickly with a blushing cheeks. While Jungkook gets up. He goes to the spare bathroom and do his thing. After 20 minutes he goes to the kitchen and cooks their breakfast. (A/N: boyfriend material Jeon Jungkook)

After cooking their breakfast, right on time, Taehyung finished getting ready. He then went to the kitchen. He was met with the delicious smell.

"Sit down love, eat then we will go to school together," Jungkook said to his boyfriend.

The two of them eats peacefully teasing and laughing with each other. After finishing their food, they get their bags and proceeds to the garage and rides the Jungkook's car to the university.

- - - - - - - - -

After 15 minutes of driving, they arrived to their university.

As usual, the both of them are met with Jungkook's fangirls. When Jungkook went out and opens Taehyung's door, he put his hand around his lover's waist protectively against the crowd.

As soon as they gets out of the crowd, they saw their friends waving at them.

"Hey Kook!" Namjoon said giving Jungkook a manly hug.

"Hey Joon!" Jungkook replied to him.

"Hey dude, you miss a lot of fun last saturday night!" Yoongi said while giving him a manly hug. Hoseok nods in agreement while he hugs his girlfriend.

"Nothings better when I'm spending my night with my boyfriend," Jungkook said, a smirk can be seen plastered in his lips.

Ami, Jimin and Jin widen their eyes as soon as they figure out what Jungkook ment by that. Taehyung is a blushing mess behind his boyfriend while the rest of the dominant ones grins and teased the both of them.

"JEON FUCKING JUNGKOOK!"  Jin yelled at Jungkook.

Soon, Jungkook realized what he have done. Oh shit! I shouldn't have said that when Jin is around. Well, its time for me to run! Jungkook thought to himself.

"Baby, I will see you inside okay? But right now I have to run to save myself. I love you," Jungkook said to Taehyung pecking his lips then run for his life.

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