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"HARRY! HARRY!" Louis screamed as he ran into Harry's hospital room, followed by Gemma and Niall.

They rushed to his bedside, and stopped. "My God! What happened?" He asked the Doctor.

Harry was laying on his back, covered in a tin foil type blanket, an oxygen mask over his grey face, tubes and wires all over his body. Louis felt faint.

"I'm sorry...he was attacked. He lost a lot of blood, he has mild hypothermia."

Louis slumped into a chair, Gemma and Niall fell into each others arms, sobbing.

"Will...will he be ok?" Louis whispered, as he wiped tears off of his cheek.

"I can't answer that, but we'll do everything we can." The Doctor replied,  sadly before he patted Louis on his shoulder, and left.

Louis took Harry's hand, careful of the tubes that were feeding him drugs. He kissed his cold hand.

Gemma and Niall sat down next to Louis. All three of them sat staring at Harry,  not knowing what they could say or do. It was heartbreaking for all three of them.

"Who would do that to him?" Gemma whispered. "He's the nicest boy, he doesn't deserve this." She started crying again.

Louis placed Harry's hand down gently and turned to his daughter. They hugged, and cried.

Later that day,  the police had spoken to them.

"Three boys did this?" Louis said, in shock. "Kids?"

"Yes. They were seen taking Harry out of college grounds, and the headmaster was informed. He got someone to go and look for them, and eventually found them attacking Harry. His clothes were torn on the ground, and they dropped the knife. Luckily, he recognised the boys. They've all been arrested. We'll keep you informed."

Louis fell to the floor, unconscious.  It was all too much to take in. Gemma called out for help, and two nurses rushed to his side.


"HARRY!" Louis yelled, sitting up from the bed.

"Dad...Dad, calm down. You fainted, you need to calm down." Gemma said.

Louis swung his legs around and got off the bed, his body wobbled a bit, his head still feeling fuzzy. "I need to go to him."

They both walked back to Harry's room.

Louis was hoping to see Harry sitting up in bed, awake and smiling, but he hadn't moved at all.

"Dad...are you ok?" Niall asked, he had stayed with his brother.

"I'm fine Ni. Any change?"

Niall shook his head. "No."

Louis sat down, and took Harry's hand again. "Why would anyone do this? Animals!"

"Hope they lock them up and throw away the key!" Niall added.

"They better, or I'll be after 'em!" Louis replied.


The next couple of days were hard. Harry was still unconscious,  which was causing concern for everyone.

"Why hasn't he woken up yet?" Louis would ask both the Doctor and nurses everytime they came in to check on him.

"He's gone through a very traumatic event, sometimes the body just shuts itself off to get over it. He could wake in the next could be weeks." The Doctor told him.

"What will he be like when he wakes though? Will he be the same Harry?"

"I can't answer that,  I'm afraid. It's just one of the things we have to wait and find out about."

The Doctor left Louis alone. The other kids were at home, getting some rest.

"Harry....I hope you can hear me..." Louis spoke gently, rubbing his thumb over Harry's knuckles. "...please can you wake up soon? We're missing you so much. We need you home with us. Kitty is missing you so much. Please wake up my Precious boy."

Louis felt Harry's hand twitch, and he looked down.

"Harry? Harry? Can you hear me? It's Daddy. Can you open your eyes my lovely?"

Harry let out a barely audible groan, and his eyes flickered.

"That's it baby,  open your eyes for me." He begged.

With a lot of effort, Harry's eyes opened. They'd lost their bright sparkle, and were now dull and cloudy, sad.

"D-Daddy?" He croaked.

"Yes darling. I'm here. Oh my god I'm so happy to see you again. " he started crying. He couldn't help it.

Louis pushed a button above Harry's head, and a minute later, his Doctor rushed in.

"Hello Harry. Nice to finally meet you. How are you feeling?" He asked as he started doing the basic tests - temperature,  heart rate, oxygen rate etc...

"Hu-hurts." He replied.

"Can you tell me what hurts?"

"M-my arm." He started crying.

Louis held his hand tight.

His arm hurt because of the cuts. They were deep, he lost a lot of blood, but neither the Doctor or Louis were going to tell him that, just yet. He may not remember exactly what happened.

"We'll get you some more painkillers." The Doctor said, as he wrote down his notes. "I'll be right back." Louis nodded at him, as the Doctor left the room.

" darling boy. I'm so sorry this happened to you. We were so scared."

"W-Why am I he-here?"

He couldn't remember a thing.

Should Louis tell him yet or not?

I know I said I'd update again yesterday, but I've been so tired and getting headaches. Still not great now, but here you go.
All the love 💖💖💖

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