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It had been a particularly difficult day.

Harry had been in a bad mood all day, refusing to do anything he was asked to. Louis felt like screaming.

Harry had had a full on melt down because he didn't want any dinner, which led him to screaming, shouting, kicking and ended up making himself throw up.

Louis was at his wits end.

Niall was away on a course for uni,  while Gemma was on her way home to help. It was Friday and she always came home for the weekend.

"Dad...Harry...I'm home!" She called as she walked in the front door. She stopped suddenly and was shocked at what she saw.

There was books, pens, toys and clothes all over the living room floor. It looked like a bomb had gone off.

"Damn." She cursed  shaking her head. "Where are they?"

They weren't anywhere downstairs,  so she went upstairs. 

She looked in Harry's room, and found him fast asleep. She crept back out slowly, so not to wake him up.

She was about to knock on Louis' door when she heard him crying.

She took a deep breath and knocked.

She heard him sniff, and the crying stopped. "Come in." He croaked  his voice hoarse from crying.

Gemma walked in and closed the door behind her. "Dad? What happened? Are you ok?" She asked as she sat close beside him.

He shook his head, trying not to cry, but it was a hopeless task. He was exhausted, and had a headache from hell.

"Oh's been awful. He's been so angry."

"He didn't hit you?"

"God no. He just...when he doesn't get his way, he goes crazy. He's been like it all week. I'm so fucking tired Gem."

Gemma knew straight away that Louis was in a bad way, he never swears.

"What can I do? I want to help. Let me help."

Louis broke down in tears again.

"You need a break Dad. I'm gonna call Gran, see if she can help too."

Louis had no energy to say no. He was physically and mentally drained.

He loved Harry so much, he loves all his kids obviously,  but Harry takes up all of his time.

Gemma left the room and went to her own. She sat on the bed and dialled Jay.

"Hi Gemma. How are you?" Jay asked, after answering on the third ring.

"Gran...we need your help please."

"What's wrong darling? Is everyone ok?" She said, worried.

"Dad is having a breakdown. He needs a break, I thought maybe you could help?"

"Goodness. What do you mean by a breakdown? Tell me what's happened?"

Gemma told her what Louis had said. Jay was shocked and saddened.

"Of course I'll help. I can stay for a bit. Let me pack a bag. I'll be there in an hour or so. See you soon love."

"Thanks Gran. Love you." She hung up the phone and went back to Louis' room.

"Dad...Gran is coming. She'll be here in about an hour." She sat down and hugged her Dad, who had stopped crying.

"I'm useless. I can't cope with him when he's like this."

"You're not useless! You're a wonderful Dad! You've bought us up on your own since Harry was little. Please don't put yourself down."

"I'm sorry."

"What's been happening this week Dad?"


Monday morning...Harry wouldn't get out of bed. Louis was frustrated and decided that there would be no sitting in the garden today. Harry got mad and kicked Louis' shin, which ended in Harry sitting in the corner for 16 minutes.

Tuesday...Harry refused to get in the bath, stating that he was clean enough as he had been out in the rain. (He was out for 2 minutes before Louis noticed and made him come in, which started a tantrum.)

Wednesday...Harry decided to draw pictures on the living room wall with a permanent ink pen.

Thursday Harry threw his clothes down the stairs because he wanted to run around in just his pants. Then ended up peeing on the carpet when Louis told him off.

"No wonder your tired. Harry's asleep now. Why don't you go and have a bath, while I cook dinner, I'll listen out for Harry. Go relax for a bit."

Louis smiled at his daughter, always so thoughtful and caring. She's gonna make a great nurse."

"Thanks Gem. I'll do that." He got up and they hugged, before he went to the bathroom.

He ran himself a lovely warm bubble bath and sunk into the water, sighing contentedly.

Meanwhile, Gemma looked in on Harry,  who was still asleep  before heading downstairs to make dinner.

An hour later there was a knock on the door. "Gran...thank you." Gemma said, hugging Jay.

They went into the kitchen together. "Where are they?" Jay asked as Gemma stirred the casserole she'd been cooking.

"Harry's asleep, Dad is having a bath." Gemma replied.

"NOOOOOOOOOOO!" They were interrupted by Harry screaming.

"What the hell is going on now?" Gemma said as she ran up the stairs, followed closely by Jay.

What they saw was shocking....

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