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Clarke's P.O.V

After Octavia left my tent, I chose to take a walk. I walked into the drop ship first and I saw Monty. He was working with Raven on the computer.

I walk out of the drop ship and I walk past Bellamy's tent and Octavia was still in there with him. I listen in to see what they were talking about.

"Well do you" Octavia yells at him.

"Of course I love Clarke, do you think I would be debating whether or not to leave Echo!" He says,

Oh. My. God. Did he just say that he loved me and that he was debating whether or not to leave Echo for me. I can't just forget this all happened and act normal.

I'm going to try to avoid him and if that doesn't work then I'll ask him to go to the waterfall and I'll talk to him about what he said to Octavia.

Bellamy's P.O.V

I walk into the drop ship and I see Clarke. She turns around and sees me then leaves the drop ship. Why did she leave as soon as she saw me in the drop ship. I don't understand why, we talked last night and made up.

"Hey Monty do you know what's going on with Clarke" I ask him.

"No, she seems fine, why did you want to know?" He asks.

"No, she is not fine there is something up, we talked last night and now she is avoiding me"

"Try to get her stuck in a corner and have her talk to you"

"I'm not going to force her to talk to me"

"Fine, I'll talk to her for you"

With that I walk out of the drop ship and I start to work on the upgraded walls that we have been working on. I was up on one of the walls working on it when someone almost fell but I fought them. Instead of them falling I did, I couldn't move, then I saw someone I did not expect… Clarke.

Everything went black at first, but when I woke up, I was in the dropship in Clarke right next to me.

"What happened?" I ask her.

"You fell off a wall and started bleeding internally, so I had to fix you" She says.

"Well thank you for that… why have you been avoiding me"

"I wasn't"

"Yes you were" I said.

"I don't know what you are talking about," She said as she turned around.

"Okay fine, act like you don't know what I'm talking about" I say trying to get up.

"Don't get up, you need to take it easy and rest" She says.

"I'm fine"

"If you stay put, I'll tell you why I've been avoiding you"

"Okay tell me"

"I overheard you talking to Octavia last night when I was heading back to my tent" She says.

"W-wha-what did you hear exactly?" I asked.

"Ummm, that you-you w-were…"

"That I was in love with you"

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