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Bellamy's P.O.V  *the twins B-day*

Octavia was setting up the rest of the party for the twins. Eli was really happy that Clarke took him to work with her. Aurora was with Murphy and Lincoln having another swimming lesson. 

I'm so happy that me and Clarke are going to have another baby, but don't know how Aurora and Eli will react. I know Aurora said that one day she would want a sister but I don't know about Elijah. 

*after the birthday party*

After the party ended, the twins stayed with Murphy, so me and Clarke could have us time. 

"Hey my princess" I say when she walks through the door. 

"Hey my rebel, what have you been up to" She asks. 

"Nothing, how are the people in the med bay?" I asked her. 

"Good, where's Aurora and Elijah, I thought they would be here when I got home"

"They are with Murphy, want to go and say goodnight to them"

"Yeah, and you still haven't told me what your surprise is for me" We go to Murphys and when we knock on the door and both of the kids come running. 

"It's mommy and Daddy" Eli says. 

"Mommy and daddy, open the door," Aurora says. 

The door opens and Eli gives Clarke the biggest hug and Aurora with me, then they traded. 

"Mommy, daddy are you staying da nite to" Eli asks. 

" No, mommy and I wanted to come by and say goodnight to you both" I tell them. 

"We wove you mommy and daddy" They say. 

"We love you too sweet hearts" Clarke tells them. We both give them a hug and a kiss on the head, then we go home. 

We got home back home, I saw that Clarke didn’t look right, I didn’t take it seriously but I kept an eye on her. We were sitting on the couch and all of the sudden Clarke got up and ran to the bathroom, I ran after her to make sure she was okay.

“Princess, you okay?” I asked, all I hear is her throwing up. I feel bad but I don’t leave until she comes out.

“Yeah, I’m fine, just morning sickness” she says. She then goes to our room and lays down, I lay down next to her and held her as close to me as possible.

*later that night*

I woke up and Clarke wasn’t there, I looked around the room but she wasn’t there. I left the room and I saw Clarke by the window, so I went over to her. “Hey, you okay” I asked.

“Yeah, I couldn’t sleep and I didn’t want to wake you, so I came out here to think,” she says.

“I fell asleep holding you and when I woke up you weren’t there”

“Sorry, you looked so peaceful I didn’t want to wake you”

“I wish you did, anyway you remember how you asked me what the surprise I had for you was… well the surprise I had was to finally take you on our honeymoon”

“Oh Bellamy, you know I would love too but we are going to be parents once again to a child and I just think that we should wait a couple more years, Don’t get me wrong, I would love to go on a honeymoon with you. When we got married we had twins and now we have one on the way, we still can do things but I think we should wait till our unborn child is old enough to know we are going to come back” Clarke explained. 

“I understand, and if you think I’m mad well I’m not. We are about to become parents to a amazing child and we are parents to two amazing kids already” I pause and pull her closer to me, then I continue “they love us and we love them and this one coming is going to be loved just as much”

We go to bed and I hold her, she turns to face me and she puts her hands on my face, she kisses me and I kiss back. She crawled on top of me and I knew what was going to happen and I wasn’t going to try to stop it.

*the next day*

Clarke was still asleep when I got up, so I went and got her some food, when it was done, Clarke was up and smiling at me, I gave her the food and then we went to pick up the twins.

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