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Clarke's P.O.V

I can't believe he actually broke up with Echo, I thought he would chicken out like he did when he had to face his father. Yes he met his father and he regrets it and wishes he never met him. Octavia doesn't know he met him because his father came to Earth and somehow knew who Bellamy was. He found him and Bellamy at first chickened out to see him, but I gave him confidence to face his father. The reason I'm saying his father is because Bellamy and Octavia have different fathers and both of them didn't know who their children were... well I guess Bellamy's did. Anyway I'm surprised he broke up with her for himself, but if I find out it was for me I'm going to kill him.

Bellamy's P.O.V

I was walking back into camp when I saw Clarke waiting at the gate for me. I walk up to her and we say nothing, then she hugs me.

"What is this for?" I ask her.

"You didn't chicken out," she says.

"How did you-"

"She came to talk to me after you broke up with her"

"Why did she talk to you"

"To see if I knew what you were up to"

"What did you say?" I asked.

"I tried to lie but somehow she knew I knew" she pauses then continues "she left camp and said that she was going back to her home village, also she hopes we're happy together" she says.

"Are we"

"Are we what?"


"Do you want to be?" she asks.

I let out a breath the asked "will you be my girlfriend Clarke Griffin"

"Yes I will" she says while grabbing my face and kissing me.


It is union day and that means we get to sit around the fire and drink. I love union day and I am even more happy that I'm with Clarke. I was sitting on a log in front of the fire and then I saw Clarke and she was talking to Miller. She sees me and comes over saying "hey"

"Hey, what were you talking to Miller about?" I asked.

"Are you jealous, because you know Miller is gay right?"

"No I'm not jealous and yes I know, I'm just wondering"

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