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Atom's P.O.V

I was getting ready to go see Octavia and hopefully not get beaten up by Bellamy. I went to Octavia's tent and she wasn't there so I went to the drop ship. I passed Clarke's tent then I saw Octavia standing outside of Clarke's tent. "What are you doing over here?" I asked her.

"I told Bell to go talk to Clarke after he yelled at her and they totally made up," she said.

"Can you convince him not to beat me up"

"I'll try, but no promises" she says. We walk away from Clarke's tent and we go to Octavia's. After we enter her tent I push her onto the bed and I climb on top.

Octavia's P.O.V

Atom starts to climb on top of me and I don't want him to. "Atom please stop" I say as I try to push him off of me.

"Come on, live a little," he says.

"Atom stop, get off of me"

"Come on," he says, still kissing my neck. I found a way to get out from under him and when I did, I ran out of my tent. I ran to Bellamy who was with Clarke in her tent. They were talking so I just ran in, in tears.

"What's wrong O" he asks me.

"Atom w-wo-wouldn't stop" I stuttered.

"What do you mean?" Clarke asked.

"H-he cl-climbed o-on-on top of m-me and I-I told him t-to-to stop b-but he wo-wouldn't l-list-listen" I stutter. "I-I climbed out from under him and r-ran here"

"I'm going to kill him," Bell says.

"Bellamy no you're not" Clarke says.

*Clarke's P.O.V*

"Bellamy, you can't kill him" I tell him.

"He hurt my sister,"he says.

"I know and I hate him for that but that doesn't give you the right to kill him"


*A few weeks later*

Atom hasn't been seen in weeks and Bellamy is happy about that but Octavia is starting to get a little worried. "Hey Clarke, have you seen Atom at all?" Octavia asks me.

"No, I'm sorry O" I tell her.

"We found Atom!" Miller yells. "I'm sorry but he's gone"

"No!" O cries.

"I'm so sorry O, it looks like he got eaten by a wild animal" Bellamy says as he walks in.

"Why would he be out in the woods?" I asked.

"To get away I guess, maybe to clear his head" Bell says.

"What got him?" O asked.

"We don't know," Miller answers. We all were sad ish but we went back to whatever we were doing before except Octavia.

*Bellamy's P.O.V*

I wasn't happy to hear Atom got killed, but I wasn't sad either. Part of me was happy he was gone because he hurt O. Another part of me was not so much because Clarke was right, 'nothing is bad enough to kill someone, unless they have killed an innocent.'

"Hey, how are you holding up?" I asked O.

"He didn't deserve to die even though he hurt me" O says.

"You're right"

"You're most likely happy he's gone"

"No and yes" she gave me a questionable look "he made my job easier for one but Clarke was right"

"What do you mean Clarke was right?" she asks.

"She said that 'nothing is bad enough to kill someone unless they have killed an innocent" I tell her.

"Well she's right" O says.

"I know she is"

"I'm going to go lay down for a bit, tell Clarke I'm okay, okay?"

"Okay" I say and leave. I went to Clarke's tent and I saw her lying on her bed almost asleep. I walked up to the bed and sat next to her and to my surprise she didn't move. I decide to pull her into my arms and that's when she moves and sees me.

"Hey" she says with a smile.

"Hey, I talked to O" I told her.

"You did?"

"Yeah, we talked then she went to bed"

"Is she okay"

"She told me to tell you that she is but deep down I don't think she is"

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