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Octavia’s P.O.V

Okay I’m not a snoop but when It comes to my brother there are times when you have to be. I saw Clarke walk up to him so I decided to take a listen. She was challenging him but what he said was so beautiful. 

 “I don’t see you as a challenge, I see you as a wonderful woman who I’ll love forever” he says.

That made my heart sing for Clarke and she is lucky to have him and I’m glad she gave him a second chance. I saw her face and she was almost crying tears of joy. Clarke walks toward the drop ship but I get to her first, and the first thing I do is hug her.

“What’s this for?” she asks.

“I heard what my brother said to you,” I told her.

“Yeah, I love him and now I know for sure he loves me back”

“Thank you”

“For what”

“For loving him, everytime he would think someone loved him, it would change, ever since our mom died he always thought he would never be loved, but thanks to you he is” I tell her.

“Don’t thank me, thank the person your brother is because that’s the person every person should love, and if they don’t then something is very wrong with them” she says.

“I can’t wait until the day comes” I say smiling like there is something wrong with me. I know Clarke was confused about what I was talking about, but I don’t care because it was true, I can’t wait till the day Bellamy gets down on one knee and I get a sister.

“What are you talking about?” Clarke asked.

“Oh nothing” I told her.


“Hey Bell, can we talk?” I asked him.

“Sure, what is it?” He asks.

“When are you going to ask her”

“Ask who, what”

“Ask Clarke to marry you” I tell him.

“Whoa, whoa, where did that come from?” He asks.

“I heard what you told Clarke earlier, why don’t you just ask her”

“Because I’m not ready and I know she’s not ready”

“Okay, but before you do it, can you let me know?” I ask.

“Yeah,” he says.

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