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Octavia’s P.O.V

Yesterday Lincoln finally told me what Clarke and Bellamy are hiding and I couldn’t believe it. Clarke was going to have another baby, I almost started crying because I found out that me and Lincoln were going to have another baby as well, but I haven’t told Lincoln yet.

“Hey Lincoln, can we talk?” I asked him.

“Yeah, what is it?” He asks.

“I have to tell you something”


“Lets see if you can tell” I put his hand on my belly and the look on his face was priceless. 

“Are you serious, we’re going to have another baby” he asks. I nod and he picks me up and spins me around, then he puts me down and kisses me as hard as he could while being gentil. “I love you so much Octavia”

“I love you more”

*later that day*

I go to the med bay so I can find Clarke and Bellamy so I can tell them that Lincoln and I are having another baby, and I know they’ll tell me about them having another baby too. “Hey Clarke, can I talk to you and Bell?” I asked.

“Yeah, I’m on my way home now,” she says.

“Okay, Lincoln is watching Lucas right now and I have to tell you and Bell something”

“Yeah, Bellamy and I need to tell you something too”

We arrived at Bellamy and Clarke place and the twins were eating and Bell was making food for Clarke and himself. “Mommy, Mommy” the twins say at the same time.

“Hey my babies, go and finish your food” Clarke tells them.

“Hey O, what's up” Bell asks when he sees me.

“I have to tell you and Clarke something,” I tell him.

“How convenient so do we”

“I know Clarke told me you guys had something to tell me” The kids finished and went to their room while we went to the living room. One thing that changed since we got to the ground is our homes, they are like they used to be 100 years ago. “So I wanted to tell you that Lincoln and I are expecting” I tell them. I saw Bellamy’s face and at first I was scared, but then he smiled and hugged me.

“That's great O, but Clarke and I are also expecting” he says.

“Oh. My. God… well I actually already knew that, Lincoln told me yesterday”

 Bellamy’s P.O.V  

The girls will have fun planning what names they think they should name the kids. Octavia will with mine and Clarke’s because she didn’t get to last time. I’m happy for O and Lincoln, and I can’t wait to have a niece or another nephew. I love having Lucas around but I think it would be good for him to have a sibling, and if he gets a sister I will give him the speech my mom gave me when Octavia was born. ‘Your a big brother now, that means you have to take care of your sister, your sister, your responsibility’ 

Clarke’s P.O.V

I’m so happy for Octavia and Lincoln because I know O wanted more than one child and I know Lincoln wanted Lucas to have a sibling. Octavia and I decided that we will pick names for the other and we can veto if we don’t like it.

Murphy’s P.O.V

I love my niece and nephew so much and I can't wait until I have another. Now almost everyone in camp knows that Clarke and Octavia are both expecting. If I could choose what gender I would want for Clarke then I would have to say a girl because both Eli and Aurora wanted a little sister. There are only about 3 people in camp that don't know that Clarke is pregnant, and that is Abby, Finn, and Raven. I don’t think that Finn even knows about Aurora and Elijah and I wouldn’t be surprised 

After the wedding between Clarke and Bellamy, Finn has not once been out of his home. We kinda think he dies but we don't know, he has people bring him food to his door every month. I don’t know why he doesn’t come out but I think it’s because Clare chose Bellamy and she told Finn that she has never and will never love him. Clarke said that 4 years ago on her wedding day and we haven’t seen Finn since.

One thing I know is that Raven finally saw how horrible Finn was and left. Her and Clarke are on good terms and are somewhat friends but I kinda have something to tell the gang but I don't know how they will react, one they could be totally okay with it or 2 they refuse to let Raven into the group. I walk to the gang spot and everyone there even Raven looks up, it looks like she is a part of our little gang. When Aurora and Eli see me, they get up and run towards me, then Lucas does too. I’m not really Lucas’s uncle  but by law I am so we say I am and he runs towards me. Raven looks my way and I can’t help but smile and I don’t know why, the kids go back to their parents and I walk over and sit down.

“What’s up guys, how are you girls doing” I ask Clarke and Octavia.    

“We are fine,” Clarke answers.

Raven comes over to me and pulls me to the side to talk. I can tell everyone is looking at us because she came up to me to talk in private. “You should tell them now,” she says.

 “I thought you wanted to wait till we know for sure you were accepted” I tell her.

“I don’t want to hide, I want to be with you and not in secret”

“Okay” we walk back to the group and everyone is looking at us. I know Clarke and Bellamy are very confused, but also wanted to know what the hell.

Clarke’s P.O.V

After Raven and Murphy come back from ‘talking’ they started acting weird. I looked at Bellamy and he was equally confused as me. “Murphy what the hell is going on” I asked.

“Well, can you all promise not to get upset when I tell you guys this, Clarke I mostly talking to you” all of us nod and he continues “Well I have been seeing someone and I know you might freak out” everyone gives him a look to go on. “Raven, I’ve been seeing Raven”

Oh. My. God. This can not be happening. Eli comes running up to me, I pick him up and start walking to my house. Murphy comes running after me.

“Clarke please, don’t be mad,” Murphy says.

 “How can I not be mad Murphy, you know why I don’t like her that much and I’m just starting to let her in” I yell. I put Eli down and he ran to his room.

“I wanted to tell you sooner but I wanted to wait till she was in the group” He says.

“Why her over all the girls in camp, and what happened to Emori” I asked him.

“She left me before the twins birthday party”

“Why her”

“It was union day and you and Bellamy were somewhere, I was drinking to much because of Emori, Raven had just left Finn and we started talking then one thing led to another”

“And you kept seeing her after that”

“I fell for her...why can't you just let me be happy?” he asks.

“Of course I want you to be happy but when she breaks your heart dont be coming to me afterwards” I tell him.

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