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Bellamy's P.O.V

That night I stayed with Clarke because she asked me to. I love her and I don't want to live without her. If something happened to her I don't know what I'd do. "Good morning" she says.

"Good morning princess" I say.

"Were you watching me sleep?" she asks.

"Maybe" I say. I know it's kinda creepy but she looks so peaceful when she sleeps.

"That's sweet but please don't do it all of the time"

"I'll try not to"

"We have to get ready for work"

"Do we have to?" I asked.

"How many times do we go over this, yes we have to and No buts, No nuts, No coconuts" she says like a child.

"You're such a child" I say as I pull her back to bed.

"So are you" she says "but we got to go and then we'll come back to where we stopped"

"As in this tent or this spot"

"As in this spot and tent"

"Can't wait" I say. With that we got out of bed and went out to start the day.

*on the walls*

"Did you come out of Clarke's tent this morning?" Miller asked.

"Yeah why" I asked.

"Just wondering"


*Octavia's P.O.V*

I walk into the drop ship and I see that Clarke just got there. I was wondering why she was so late but I had my guesses. "Hey Clarke, why are you late?" I asked as I walked in.

"Woke up late" she says.

"And why is that"

"Why do you want to know"

"Because you're never late"

"Okay fine, I woke up late because of Bellamy" she says,

"In what way?" I ask.

"You're gonna make me tell you everything"

"Yes, now spill"

"Well I didn't want to be alone last night so I asked him to stay with me and we slept together last night, then this morning I caught him watching me sleep, then I was getting ready for work when he pulled me back into bed, that's why I'm late"

"He was watching you sleep, that's so cute" I told her.

"He said he would try not to but he will. I know him," she says.

"I've planned your wedding, you know that right" I say.

"Oh god" she says putting her hand on her head.

*Clarke's P.O.V* (After work)

Don't get me wrong I love O, but me and Bellamy just started dating not too long ago. I love him nut a wedding already, just no. I go over to Bellamy and he looks like I did when O told me she planned mine and Bellamy's wedding.

"You okay" I asked him.

"No not really" he says.

"What's wrong"

"Well you tell me"

"What do you mean?" I asked him.

"You don't know, you're the one that did it," he says. I do not know what he is talking about

"What are you talking about"

"You know what I'm talking about, so come and find me when you're ready to explain yourself"

I don't know what he is talking about but whatever it is he is not happy about it. I want to know why he is acting like this.

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