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Clarke’s P.O.V


I can’t believe Bellamy asked me to marry him but I'm glad he did. We have been together for 2 years now and I’m glad he asked when he did. There is one thing I need to ask Bellamy and I should have asked him earlier but it slipped my mind. “Hey Bell, can I ask you something”

“Yeah, what is it?” he asked.

“You do want kids eventually right… I know I should have asked you earlier but it slipped my mind”

“Yeah only with you, don’t you remember we talked about this before”

“Now I do, you know I love you, Right”

“And I love you”


I was working in the drop ship when all of the sudden I felt big strong arms around me… I knew it was Bellamy. “Hey you” I say

“Hey, can you bandage up my arm?” He asks.

 “How did you do this”

“Working on the walls because they got knocked down, remember from the storm”

“Okay… let's get you patched up” I tell him. I got him patched up and I noticed he was staring at me the whole time. “What Bellamy?” I ask.

“You’re very Beautiful”   

“Thank you, but why are you staring at me?” I asked him.

“Because I can,” he says.

“Not a real answer, but okay” I told him.

“I love you, you know that?” he asks.

“I think you mentioned it before”

“Wow, you don’t even say it back”

“I love you too… you happy”

“Yes, yes I am,” he says. I want to call him a jackass but at the same time I don’t.

*that night*

I was getting ready for bed but before I went to bed I needed to find Bellamy. He wasn’t in the tent when I came in and he hasn’t stopped by at all today. I walked over to Octaiva’s tent to see if he’s in there or if she knows where he is.

“Hey O, do you know where your brother is?” I asked her.

  “I thought he was with you,” she says.

“Earlier today but he’s not in our tent and he hasn’t been there at all today”

“I’m sorry, I wish I could help”

“It's fine, I’ll find him,” I told her and I walked out.

I go to the drop ship to see if he’s in there. When I got there I saw Monty, so I asked him if he knows where Bellamy is. “Hey Monty, do you know where Bellamy is” 

“You don’t know?” he asks.

“Know what?”

“He went on a mission”

“What mission”

“I don’t know, but he’s not here” 

“Thanks Monty,” I told him.

“Anytime” he says.

With that info I just got, I go and talk to Raven. When I got there I saw that Finn was there with her. “Hey… Raven, can we talk?” I asked.

“Yeah, of course” she says and comes outside with me “what’s up”

“What mission did Bellamy go on” 

“He’s going to kill Lexa”

“He’s what?” I ask and I storm off, I leave camp with everything I need and I go off into the woods to find Bellamy.

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