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Clarke’s P.O.V

I don’t know what happened but I want to find out. I’m going to find O and ask her what Lincoln, I think his name was, found out about what happened.


“Hey O… can I ask you something?” I ask.

“Yeah what’s up” she says.

“Do you know what happened to me”

“No, Lincoln didn’t tell me, all he said was that you were going to be fine”

“Can I talk to him”

“Yeah, follow me”

“Okay” so I follow Octavia so I can meet Lincoln and find out what happened to me.

*at Lincoln’s cave*

“Lincoln you here” Octavia asks. A big, tall man appears and grabs Octavia and kisses her. “Lincoln… Clarke this is Lincoln” O says.

“Nice to meet you,” I tell him.

“How are you feeling?” he asked with a red face.

“Better thank you… I was wondering if you know what happened to me”

“Yes I do”


“O can you give us a minute” he asks her.

“Yeah” she says.

“Clarke, you didn’t just pass out, you are… are”

“I’m what”

“You are pregnant”

“I’m what now”

“Congrats you’re going to have a baby” he says.

“Oh my god” I say shocked.

“You should go tell Bellamy”

“Ye-yeah, thank you”

Bellamy’s P.O.V

I woke up without Clarke next to me. I go to the drop ship and she's not there, an hour later I see Clarke coming through the gate. “Thank god you are okay” I say as I hug her.

“Yeah, I’m fine,” she says.

“Where did you go”

“I went to see Lincoln to find out what exactly happened to me”



“You’re what” I ask.

“I’m pregnant Bellamy” she says with a smile.

“You’re what now?” I ask her with a shocked look on my face.

“We are going to have a baby Bell” she says hoping I won’t freak out. I can not believe what I’m hearing, we are going to have a baby.

“Are you sure?” I ask her. 

“It’s what Lincoln told me,” she says. I hugged her and picked her up in my arms. I am so happy about this that I can’t help but smile. The love of my life is having my child, I couldn’t be happier.


Clarke and I chose to tell everyone about the baby when she starts to show. We also chose to have Lincoln give her check ups every month. Tonight I was going to go out with a hunting party but I might not because I want to stay with Clarke tonight. 

“Don’t you have a hunting party tonight?” Clarke asks.

“Yeah, but I might not go” I tell her.

“Why because of me and the baby… we’ll be fine, go get food for the camp and I’ll see you at dinner, Okay”

“Yeah, okay.” I went out with the hunting party and we got back a little after sun down. As we brought the food in, I saw Clarke helping a little girl with her dress, and I thought to myself ‘she is going to be the best mother ever.

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