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Writer’s P.O.V

Clarke was not allowed to go to work for 2 weeks because of giving birth, and Bellamy only got to work half days because he needed to help Clarke with the twins and Madi. Elijah and Aurora were about to go into a higher level in school and they were very happy about it, Bellamy is soon going to teach them how to hunt but Clarke doesn’t want him to. Clarke thinks it's too dangerous for little and she told Bellamy she would kick his ass if he taught them without her permission.

Octavia and Lincoln were happy to have had a little girl and so was Lucas to have a little sister, when Octavia and Lincoln got home Lucas was so happy to be a big brother. A lot has happened since they got to earth, but they wouldn’t change a thing at all. Things are finally becoming normal and safe for once in their lives.

Clarke, Bellamy, and the kids go down to the river for some fun, Murphy and Raven tag alone and so does Octavia, Lincoln, and their 2 kids. Everybody’s at the river and it’s so quiet and peaceful, Clarke and Bellamy sit down by a tree with Madi in their arms, and you could tell just how much they are in love with each other just by looking at them. The twins and Lucas ask Bellamy to go in the water with them and of course he does, they also ask Lincoln and then Octavia goes over to Clarke.

“Can you believe this is our family?” O asks.

“Not at first, but ever since I was little I wanted a big family like this, but when we were on the ark I didn’t think it would come true because they only allowed one child to be born in one household” Clarke tells her.

“Yeah, on the ark they would’ve taken one of the twins and gave it to a family who couldn’t have any”

“Yeah, I know and that's why I’m glad they sent us down to earth, I wouldn’t have what I have now without being here”

“Yeah me too”

Clarke’s P.O.V   (couple hours later)

A few hours go by and everything is perfect until we get through the gate where my mother was waiting for me. “Clarke, can we talk?” she asks. 

I don’t say a word to her, I walk to my house with Bellamy and the kids then I close the door. I haven’t talked to my mother since I found out Murphy was my brother, I guess on the ark my mom had murph then slept with Kane, then she had a choice to make… either keep the child she just conceived or keep the child that she already had. Jake thought Murphy died because that's what my mom made him believe, so when she had me he wasn’t surprised. Murphy was given to a family who wanted a child but couldn’t have any at all.  

*later that night*

Me, Bellamy, and the kids went to the dining area, after dinner we went home and Murphy came over to hang out and Aurora was hip to hip with him the whole time. Eli was sitting on Bellamy’s lap and Madi was asleep in her crib when all of the sudden she woke up. Murphy got up and picked her up in his arms then walked back to the couch, he sang her back to sleep and that's when I realized he would be a good father one day. All of the sudden I ended up thinking ‘are him and Raven going to have kids one day?’ 

Murphy hands me Madi then he puts the twins to bed because they wanted him to, Madi was sound asleep so I put her back in her crib. Murphy comes out and sits next to me, him and Bellamy start talking and so I get up and get a snack, when I get back to the living room, I asked Murphy “how are you and Raven doing?”

“We’re fine, why?” he asks.

“I saw how you were with the twins and I saw how you were with Madi, do you want kids one day?”

“Maybe one day but not now, Raven has been working a lot and I don’t think we are ready for that yet”

“Has Raven heard from Finn?” Bellamy all of the sudden asks.

“I don’t think so, if she has then she hasn’t told me about it, but I don’t think so” Murphy says.

Murphy leaves and Bellamy and I head to bed, he jumps into bed like Eli does with a big grin on his face. “What?” I asked him.

“Nothing, just we have been busy a lot and I miss you” He says.

“Bell, we can’t, it hasn’t been 6 weeks yet”

“Fine, but I’m holding you in my arms”

“I wouldn’t have it anyother way” then we go to bed with him holding me in his arms.

Bellamy’s P.O.V  *next day*

A new day, and I feel like crap, but I have a family to support. I’m going out with the hunting party today and I want to take the twins but Clarke might not let me. “Hey princess?” I ask.

“Yeah?” she asks back.

“Can I take the twins out with me and the hunting party”

“I don’t know, don’t you think that they are a little young”

“I’ll be them the whole time and I won’t let them see anything to scary”

“As long as you’re with the whole time then I don’t care”

“Thank you” I say, then I go into the twins room to get them ready. After the kids are done getting ready we say goodbye to Clarke, then we head to the gate where Miller, Murphy, Rick, and a couple others were waiting for us. “Are the mini’s coming today?” Miller asks. I nod and we head into the woods, Aurora was so happy that she ran to the front where Murphy was. She loves her uncle so much that she would do anything with him, she is more like me because she loves swimming, hiking, and other outdoor things, Eli on the other hand is more like his mother because he loves helping people in any way he can. Eli is hip to hip with me and all I can do is smile, I know he is very close to Clarke, but at this moment it seems like he’s becoming closer to me as well.

*after the hunting party*

We get to the gate and Clarke is waiting for us, Eli runs up to her and gives her the biggest hug he could. Aurora then comes up and gives Clarke the biggest hug she could as well, after the kids hug her I got to, I kissed the top of her head and then we went home.

*later that night*

We put the kids to bed then we hear a knock at the door, I open the door and it’s Jasper with a thing of moonshine he made 5 years ago. “What are you doing here Jasper?” I asked him.

“Want some moonshine?” he asks.

“Come on in”

He walks to the living room with the bottle of moonshine and sits on the couch. “Oh you brought us fun didn’t you?” Clarke says when she sees the bottle.

“Yeah, didn’t know if you were coming to union day or not” Jasper says.

“Yeah we might not but maybe we will” I tell him.

*couple hours later*

Jasper finally leaves and Clarke and I get ready for bed, it's only been 2 weeks since Madi was born, and I have to wait another 4 weeks before I can show my wife how much I love her. One thing that happened when Madi was born was that they had to tie Clarke’s tubes so that means we can’t have any more children. I’m fine with not having any more children because we already have 3 wonderful children already and 2 of them are only 4 so there is no need for anymore kids.

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