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Bellamy’s P.O.V

When Clarke stormed off with Eli, Aurora came up to me and I picked her up then went after Clarke. 

“Of course I want you to be happy but when she breaks your heart dont be coming to me afterwards” I hear Clarke tell Murphy.

Murphy walks off and Clarke storms into our house. I go after her and she is sitting while looking very angry. I put Aurora down and she goes to her room to find her brother, I sit next to Clarke and she looks up at me. “He’s going to regret dating her,” She says.

“Why are you so upset about this?” I asked her.

“I just don’t want my brother getting hurt, and when I was with Finn she knew the whole time and she only came back because she wanted me gone. Then she apologized for it and she realized people needed me here”

“I’m sorry about that, but why don’t you give her a chance to prove herself”

“I’m willing to let her prove herself, but if she doesn’t and she ends up hurting my brother then what? If she hurts my brother then she will be hurting me again” she says putting her head on my shoulder.

“Murphy seems happy, I would give it a chance and if he gets hurt then you’ll be there for him” I tell her.

“I told him not to come to me if she did”

“You’re the only one he’ll want to come to, actually you’re the only one he can come to”

“I hope so,” she says. Then the kids come out and sit next to us, they look at us with a smile.

“Momma, are you and uncle Murphy kay?” Eli asks.

“We’re fine,” Clarke told him.

“Dadda, can we go to auntie O's?” Aurora asks me.

“It’s up to mamma” I tell her.

“Don’t care, just both of you behave” they nod and run to the door where O was waiting for them.

Clarke’s P.O.V

Bellamy calmed me down after I freaked out on Murphy. Maybe I overreacted a little bit, but I don’t want my brother getting hurt. “Princess?” Bellamy asks.

“Yeah” I say.

“What gender do you think our next child is gonna be”

“I don’t know or care as long as the baby is perfect and healthy”

“Me too” he says “me too”

Clarke’s P.O.V   (time jump) *9 months later*

I was in the med bay in labor with my 3rd child. It’s been 13 hours and I am still in labor, Bellamy hasn’t left my side. Octavia is also in labor in the next room but she has only been in there for an hour. 2 hours later I gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. “She's beautiful, what's her name?” Bell asks.

“I like Madi, I picked it for Octavia but she vetoed it, and for O I was thinking her middle name should be Octavia” I told him.

“I love it and you”

“I love you too” Just then O comes in with Lincoln and a baby.

“I had a girl and I want to name her Lily after my favorite flower and her middle name will be Clarke” O says.

“Octavia, I would like you to meet our daughter Madi Octavia Blake”

“You had the same idea as me”

“The twins will be so happy they have a baby sister” Bell says. O and Lincoln leave and I try to get some sleep while Bellamy holds and tries to bond with Madi.

*couple hours later*

I was sent home with Madi and the twins were both at the door waiting with Murphy when we walked in. After Murphy left the twins asked at the same time “do we have a brother or a sissy”

“I would like you to meet your sister Madi” I tell them. They were so happy that they got a sister that they started jumping up and down with excitement. 

*later that night*

I was laying in bed waiting for Bellamy to come in after he put Madi down for bed. I put the twins to bed already and I am so tired but I wanted to wait for Bellamy. He came in and I was half asleep but he went to his side of the bed and crawled in, he pulled me to him as gently as he could.

 We fell asleep and all I could think about was how our life is gonna be different now that our family has grown. I love everyone in my family, I love Bellamy, the twins, Madi, Octavia, Lincoln, Lucas, Lily, and Murphy. My mom...well of course I love her but I will not let her around my children or my family.

*the next day*

I woke up and Bellamy wasn’t there and so I got up and he was in the living room with the twins sitting next to him and him holding Madi. It was the best thing to watch because it’s all I’ve ever wanted in life. Ever since I was young I’ve wanted a big family of my own, but when I was younger I didn’t think that would happen because on the ark you could only have one child, I am so happy they sent us to earth because I got the family I always wanted.

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