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Echo's P.O.V

I can't believe I was right, he left me, but he left me because he's in love with his best friend. I walked away from Bellamy and I ran into Clarke. She sees me but I walk up to her because I needed to talk to her.

"Hey can we talk?" I asked her.

"Yeah, I guess" she says, we walk to the drop ship because no one was in there. "So what do you want to tell me"

"Bellamy left me"

"He did?"

"Are you telling me you had no idea he was going to"

"I already told you that when you asked me if I knew if he was going to leave you" she says.

"You want to know why he did that," I asked her.

"Why did he"

"He did because he's in love with you"

"He is not, could he just be confused about his emotions"

"No, I know he's in love you, and you already knew he was"

"I- nev-"

"Yes you did" I paused then I continued "he told you, didn't he?"

"Yes he did, but I told him not to break up with you because of me, I told him id he really didn't want to be with you then he makes the choice that he is not happy" she says.

"Well thank you for trying to get through his head" I said then left.

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