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Murphy’s P.O.V

I’m in shock, I don’t know what to do. I have a sister, my biological father is dead, and my biological mother is a liar. Clarke and I start to walk back to camp when she falls to the ground not moving. I pick her up and get her to medical as fast as I can. When I get to the gate Bellamy is there and he takes her from me and runs to the drop ship.

Bellamy’s P.O.V

Murphy comes into camp with Clarke in his arms, she is not moving. I go over there and take her from his arms, I take her to the drop ship where her mother was. “What happened to her?” she asks.

“I don’t know, Murphy came back with her in his arms not moving” I tell her.

“Can you find out?” she asks. I nod and go out to talk to Murphy.

“Hey Murphy, what happened?” I asked him.

“I don’t know, we were walking back here when she fell to the ground, not moving and hardly breathing, so I brought her here as fast as I could,” he says.

“Okay thank you” I leave and go back to the drop ship. “He doesn’t know, he was walking with her back here and he fell to the ground not moving and hardly breathing” I say. “I’m going to go get Lincoln”

I go get Lincoln and I bring him to the drop ship. “What happened to her?” he asks. I told him what Murphy told me and then he asked everyone to leave the drop ship. We do what we are told and in 20 minutes or so he comes out with a smile on his face.

“Is she okay?” I asked him.

“She is fine, but she needs to take it easy from now till after the baby is born” he says.


“Make sure she takes it easy, okay?”

“I’ll try”

“Even if you die, make sure she takes it easy”

“Will do, thank you” he nods and leaves as I go in the drop ship to make sure she is okay. When I walk in there she is awake “hey princess” I say.

“Hey Bell, Murphy is pissed at my… our mom” she says.

“I bet, how are you feeling”


“Good… you know you will have to take it easy until the baby gets here, right?”

“I know, Lincoln told me.” We go back to our tent where she falls asleep with the cutest grin on her face. I can’t believe soon I will be able to call Clarke my wife and I get to spend the rest of my life with her.

Writer’s P.O.V * next day*

Bellamy and Clarke are getting ready for the day when Octavia comes through the door screaming. Bellamy knows why but Clarke has no idea, Clarke looks at O like she is going mad.

“What’s going on?” Clarke asks.

“Bell, have you-” O starts to say.

“No O, I haven’t” he interrupts.

 “What?” Clarke says confused.

“Bellamy tell her” Octavia says squealing.

“Okay, okay” he says.

Clarke’s P.O.V

I was so confused as to why O was screaming but then I saw Bellamy’s eyes and he sat next to me. “ how would you like to have our wedding tonight?” he asks.

“What are you talking about?” I asked him.

“I made a way to have our wedding tonight, lets just say I’ve been planning this for a while and I wanted to surprise you and I want to be married before our baby comes”

“Yes, I want to marry you tonight so much, I love you so much too” I say pulling him closer and kissing him. I am only 7 months pregnant and I’m showing a lot but Octavia said that she would make my dress the way I want.


I am about to walk down the aisle and get married to the love of my life. Of course my mom isn’t here so Murphy is going to walk me down. “Thank you for walking me down the aisle Murphy” I say.

“No problem, what are brothers for” he says and I laugh “no seriously what are they for”

“Murphy, do what you think brothers do”

“Are you ready to get married?” he asks.

“Yeah I am, also in a couple of months you are going to an uncle” I tell him.

“That child will be loved”

“I know.” The music starts playing and I make my way down the aisle with Murphy and before I know it I’m standing in front of Bellamy. I am so happy that I am getting married to the love of my life right now.

All of the sudden I hear Finn yelling “you can’t marry him Clarke!”

“Finn, just stop, it’s over” I tell him.

“No please Clarke” he says.

“Finn what are you doing?” Raven asks.

“Getting the one I love back”

“I thought you loved me”

“Well you thought wrong Raven, I love Clarke”

“Finn it doesn’t matter if you love me, it’s over, I love Bellamy and I am getting married to him right now, so either you sit down and be quiet or I’ll have you removed!” I yell at him.

[A/n… To be continued.]

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