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Writer's P.O.V

She ran as fast as she could but she could not keep up with him, he was to fast for her. But she did not give up, she ran and ran and ran until she saw him waiting by rocks.

She walked up to him but he did not move or look at her " why did you come here?"

" I had to get away, you shouldn't be here, you need to leave and go back to camp now!" he says to her.

" no, not without you" she says.

" I'm a monster I should just die here and save ever, one most likely getting killed because of me" he says.

" Bellamy, listen to me, you're not a monster. Everyone has killed at least one person here" she says trying to get him to look at her.

" Clarke, I killed so many people, I killed Jaha for crying out loud" Bellamy says.

" you did it to be with your sister, I would have done the same thing as you" Clarke pauses, then Bellamy looks up at her and then she continues " you need to come back with me, please"

He nods and they start to head back to camp. Never they say nothing to each other until Bellamy broke the silence.

" why did you come after me" he asks her and she looks up at him.

" why wouldn't I, I knew why you came out here, you feel guilty for the deaths that you may or may not have caused"

" I did cause them, but thank you for coming after me" he says.

" I'm just as much to blame as you, we did what we needed to do to survive the attack from the grounders"

" thank you anyway" he pauses " I know O wanted you to go after me"

" I didn't only do it for her, Bellamy we all need you at camp you help us survive. More me than anyone, I need you to survive and help run camp. I don't know what I would do if I lost you" she says.

" and I need you to keep me in line, survive, run camp and help protect my sister, because you told me yourself, you would protect her for her and me" he says to her.

They get to the gate a few minutes after they talked and Octavia ran right up to Bell me and hugs him.

" Oh, Bell, don't you do that to me again, and thank you, Clarke, for getting him back" she says.

A/n  I know I have another bellarke fanfiction I'm writing on wattpad to, but I decided to post this one since I've been writing in my book an actual book, this is from it anyway, I hope you like it, please leave comments vote and read the rest, I will update as much as I can, thank you so much for reading. love from me to you ❤

Together (Bellarke fan fic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant