Cute things they do for you pt. 6

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Vanya: Vanya is always practicing violin, and when she's not practicing it she's teaching it.

You adore the way she loves to play it so much, you think she looks gorgeous while playing. She knows you love it, so when you can't sleep she'll go get her violin and play for you until your eyes close and you fall into a peaceful sleep.

you kept tossing and turning in bed trying to get comfortable but you just couldn't. Not wanting to bother your sleeping girlfriend you tried to sneakily get off the bed so you could make some tea. Unfortunately for you she woke up and looked at you drowsily. "(y/n), lie back down i'll be right back. just relax." she said. placing a kiss to your forehead. you sighed knowing that you would lose if you protested. "ok V, thank you" She smiled at your sleepy voice.

walking into the living room she picked up her violin gently. walking back into the bed room she sat next to you. she felt you curl up next to her leg, and smiled before she began playing. She played a simple melody which she knew would lull you to sleep, she made sure to memorize it so she could play it to you whenever this happened. she actually called "(y/n)'s lullaby".

You hummed in content as she played for you, it was like a whisper telling you it was finally safe to fall asleep and that no one would hurt you. That's exactly what you did, you fell asleep, once Vanya thought you were fast asleep she set down the delicate instrument and lied beside you holding you tightly as you so often did for her.

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