They Reject You -Five

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Today was the day, the day you were going to tell Five that you loved him. You had prepared yourself for rejection seeing as it was Five, and the whole apocalypse situation didn't make him to open to love. It didn't mean he wasn't capable of love, it just meant that he didn't really  accept it too well. 

You had told yourself that it was ok, if he didn't love you back because you understood. But you knew that you would still be hurt. At the moment you were on your way to talk to Vanya before you did anything. 

"Ok, you'll be fine. You'll talk to Vanya first and everything will be ok." You talked to yourself as you quickly walked through the halls. You knew she was here because you asked her to come over and wait in her room, so you could talk to her. Of course she said yes to coming over. 

You wrung your hands and took deep breaths. You got to her door and opened it. She looked up at you and smiled softly. 

"Hey (y/n), are you ok? you sounded really nervous." she asked. "I just don't know who to talk to and I trust you the most. " you said moving to sit beside her. 

her eyes held concern but a slight joy at the fact that you trusted her the most. "Did something happen?" she asked "I'm in love with Five." you whispered. your face was turned down and you continued to wring your hands. Vanya's eyes widened in shock. "Oh.. (y/n) have you told him?" she placed her hand on your knee causing you to look up at her. She saw the fear in your (e/c) eyes, and assumed you hadn't told him yet. 

"You need to tell him, I know it may be scary but it's just gonna hurt keeping that secret for so long." she says in her soft comforting voice. "I've decided I'm going to tell him today. That's why I called you. I just needed some support I didn't want to tell anyone else because i knew they'd tease me." You said. "I'm proud of you (y/n) and I'm glad that you feel so comfortable around me." she said smiling at you. 

you smiled back. "Vanya how do I tell him?" you asked in a sort of pleading tone. "I suggest being straightforward with him. This is Five we're talking about, I think it's best if you rip off that band-aid as fast as possible. You know just get it out in the open so you can deal with it soon and not just let yourself overthink all day and not do it." She said. you looked at her intently listening to everything she had to say. "You're right.. ok.. just get it done quick.. I'll be fine." you said. Vanya nodded "V, would you wait here for me?" you asked. "Oh, Uh.. of course I will. I'll be right here." she said sending you off with a comforting smile. 

you walked out of the room on your way to talk to Five. You got to the door and knocked before hearing him say to come in. opening the door you saw that he had a bunch of books spread out and papers scattered around. You smiled softly at the sight. "(y/n), what do you need?" he asked sharply. You snapped out of your thoughts quickly and the sinking feeling came back. your smile didn't reach your eyes as you avoided the papers on the floor while walking over to him. 

"Five.. I just really needed to talk to you about something." you said. Your voice was shaking but you were hoping he didn't notice it too much.  he looked at you in slight annoyance. "What's wrong (y/n)? can't it wait?" he snapped at you. 

You looked at him with a hurt expression, which quickly turned to one of anger and frustration. "You know what Five. It can't wait, I can't wait anymore!" you shouted. his eyes widened at your outburst. "What do you mean, you can't wait anymore?" he said. "I mean I have been holding this back for I don't know how long and I'm doing it anymore. Five, I love you, and if you want to reject me, go ahead. I just can't stand to keep it to myself. So just tell me yes or no. If you say you don't love me that's fine. I'll leave, but I need to know.. please." You finished with a soft voice. 

Five's mouth hung open slightly. He seemed speechless for the first time in his life. He had no idea how to react. If it was anyone else he would've told them blatantly that he didn't love them. But it's you, and he cares for you. He may seem snarky and sarcastic towards you but he wasn't always that way with you. He showed a side he never did, but it was because you were his closest friend. he didn't want to hurt you.

His silence scared you, and made you regret everything completely; but you knew that you needed an answer or you could never properly move on. "Five.. please answer me.. just let me know.." you pleaded. 

He closed his mouth and composed himself. Looking at you he took a breath taking his time trying to answer you carefully not wanting to hurt you.  "(y/n). I let you in, and I let you see things no has seen. You've seen me cry, which i'm still embarrassed about.. but that doesn't matter.. You're my closest friend, and someone I trust very much, but I don't see you that way. I'm sorry" he said, trying his best to sound soft and not as brash as usual. 

Your heart broke right then, you don't know why.. but it did. You thought you had prepared for this rejection but you didn't think it would be this hard. You blinked quickly and sighed staying as calm as possible.  Nodding weakly you gave a sad smile. "It's ok Five, I just needed to know.. Thanks, I know dealing with emotional things isn't something you like.. so thanks for doing this for me." you said. he looked at you with a sympathetic look. "I am sorry (y/n)." he said. "It's ok really. I'm just gonna go now.. sorry for snapping earlier." you said before turning to leave. before he could say anything else you were gone. 

Five sighed and ran a hand through his hair. He felt bad, he could see past the front you put up. He knew that you were hurt, and it felt strange because it hurt him to. 

You walked back to Vanya's room as fast as possible. opening the door her head snapped up with a smile hoping to see a smile on your face as well. She saw the tears in your eyes, and got up to close the door and hug you tightly.  You just cried and cried, still not understanding why it hurt this bad when you felt it coming. "I didn't think it would hurt this bad V. I thought i could take it.. but I can't it really hurts." You cried to her. "I know.(y/n/n) I know.. it'll be ok I promise. Even  though it won't be right away, it will be ok. You'll be ok." she whispered into your hair. you just continued to cry letting Vanya hold you. "It hurts.." your voice shook and was so soft. Vanya just rocked you softly petting your hair gently. 

Little did you know that Five had followed you to try and speak to you again. He just heard your crying and soft whisperings of reassurance from Vanya, and it broke his (usually cold) heart. 

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