They reject you -Diego

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Diego: You had been closest with Diego growing up. You considered your 'siblings' to be close friends not family. Of course you loved them all dearly and would do anything for them, but you knew you weren't actually related so that's just how you saw things.

You had only kept in touch with the three people closest to you: Diego, Klaus, and Vanya. You and Diego were always there for each other. He always let down his walls for you. You did the same with him because you both knew you were in a safe place.

When he was with Patch you began to understand the feeling that always made you feel nervous around him. You were in love with him. After Things ended between them, you were there for him because you knew that it wasn't just sex it was love that they had.

You knew you were in love with him, and you knew if you didn't tell him your heart would burst. That's exactly what you had decided to do.

Today was the day that you were going to tell him. tell him that you were in love with him, and have been for so many years but never wanted to admit it. You were insanely nervous, but had been practicing what to say and do. You had stayed up the night before planning this sweet little confession. It wasn't anything too spectacular, it was just going to be something he would appreciate. It was gonna be an honest confession. Straightforward, and just saying it. You planned what you were going to say, you planned what you were going to wear even. It was a big moment for you.

What you decided to wear was something he had never seen you in. in fact it was new, but you thought it was cute.

simple makeup and hair, you thought it looked nice

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simple makeup and hair, you thought it looked nice.(you can choose a different outfit if you don't like this one. just thought it was cute.)

After getting ready, you started on your walk Diego's room. You wrung your hands, and your heart beat louder than it ever had. The walk was short but seemed agonizingly slow. Once you reached his door you knocked 4 times eaited a second and then knocked twice letting him know that it was specifically you. You made up that system so you knew it was one of you. you heard shuffling . "You can come in, (y/n)." he said. you pushed the door open to see him smiling at you, his knives were out and it looked like he was sharpening them before you interrupted. your face paled at the thought of what you cam here to do, but you put on a brave face and sat next to him.

"Diego, i need to talk to you.." you said wringing your hands once again, this time Diego took your hands to stop that. "Of course, what's wrong? did someone hurt you?" he questioned. "Diego, there is something I've been dying to say to you, and I've been so so scared.." you trailed off. his expression wasn't harshly serious, it was concerned. "You can tell me anything." he said giving your hands a squeeze.

Seeing the look on his face made this ten times more difficult. Before you got too nervous you just said it. "Diego, I'm in love with you, and I have been for so long. I love all of you so much, and I just can't help it. I can't hold it in anymore." you said. Your voice was stronger than you thought it would be. your eyes closed despite your strong tone.

Diego wasn't saying a thing so of course you took the hint, "I'm sorry Diego.. I should of just kept it to myself." You said pulling your hands from his. Diego looked at you with shock, and sympathy. "I'm sorry, (y/n) I just..I don't love you that way, and I can't imagine it happening. you're like a best friend and a sister to me. " He said reaching for you again.

You pulled completely away from him and nodded, turning your head to face the floor. "No, yeah I get it. That's fine I just couldn't stand to have the weight of that on my shoulders anymore. I never thought it would happen anyways." You said turning around walking away. "Please come back her (y/n), just let me talk to you." He called after you, but you ignored his plea and continued your way to your room. Seeing as it wasn't far, you made sure to close and lock the door quickly.

Once the door closed you didn't throw things or get angry. You just curled up on your bed, your face was covered in tears. You were embarrassed that you even thought to do that. You cried because you embarrassed yourself in front of him, and now things will never be the same.
Your heart broke knowing you and Diego were never gonna have a chance and your friendship may never have another chance either.

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