Super Defense

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A normal night in academy city a young girl named Saiai Kinuhata was walking to the restaurant named Joseph's and walked in to have a meal. After eating there once with her team ITEM she had grown to like the place. Unfortunately for her, she saw someone that she wasn't the biggest fan of, Misaka Mikoto. She was eating by herself while looking at her phone.

Kinuhata then goes up to her "Hello there Railgun. Super fancy meeting you here." She says

"Oh it's you. I ran into your other 2 friends that tried to kill me the other day. So what are you guys regulars here or something?" Misaka asked since she has also eating at the diner and never seen the group before

"Sometimes. We really just eat at home. So why are you here? Friends showing up late, or do you have a boyfriend that stood you up?" Kinuhata teased as Misaka blushed

"Uh well- n-no! Of course not! Why would you even say that?!" Misaka yelled

"Oh now I know you are super dating someone. So who is the guy that's dating the Railgun, huh?" Kinuhata asked

"I told you I'm not dating anyone-" Misaka said but someone interrupted

"What's going on over here?" Y/n asked walking up to Misaka and Kinuhata sporting his usual wear and black sunglasses. Misaka froze as she recognized the voice

"It's you! What are you doing here?!" Misaka yelled while pointing at Y/n

"Well..." Y/n says while scratching his neck and having a flashback


Y/n was walking the streets of academy city and decided to get a bite to eat somewhere. He then looked around for a place for a while until accidentally stepping on someone's shoe. "Oh, sorry about that." Y/n says he apparently stepped on a girl's shoes and she seemed very angry since the surprise pain made her fall back on the ground. She then started to fake cry

"Chad he just really hurt me." She says still fake crying while a guy to which Y/n only assumed was her boyfriend turned around with a metal bat in his hands and a bunch of other thugs started doing the same "Please beat him up for me baby." She says with a evil smirk but then fake cried and the guy turned to Y/n

"Sure thing babe." Chad says and then with his gang started chasing Y/n around the city

'GOD DAMMIT SUCH MISFORTUNE!' Y/n thought he then ran into an alleyway where he sank into his shadow. The gang then went down the alley thinking that they were still chasing the unlucky Kamijou but they were really chasing nothing. Y/n then hopped out of his shadow and came out of the alley to see right next to it was a restaurant named Joseph's. Seeing that it was someplace to eat he decided to try it. He then remembered something. "Wait a second... and... got it." Y/n reached into his pocket and found a coupon for this specific restaurant... how... lucky 'Huh maybe my misfortune is turning around.' Y/n thought

Poor Kamijou will soon learn his misfortune will never end

End Flashback

"...Let's just say some things happened and I ended up here." Y/n says and Kinuhata gains a mischievous smirk

"Oh so this is your super special someone, huh." Kinuhata says and Misaka fully blushes

"N-N-No h-he's n-not my b-boyfriend." Misaka stutters

"Oh really?" Kinuhata says with a bigger smirk and looks at the dragon slayer. She then grabs on to his arm. "Then I guess he's super up for grabs." Kinuhata says

"W-What a-are you s-saying?!" Misaka yells

"What do you think?" Kinuhata teases a bit more she then snuggled more into his arm and Y/n was just at a loss for words. He had no idea what was happening. Kinuhata then felt a warm feeling from the dragon slayer. And the more she got closer to him she even felt a little more calm then she originally was and almost forgot what she was doing. 'Wow this guy is super warm and comfy.' She thought and then felt him tense up

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