A Rising 5 To 6

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Y/n was now running and trying to find Misaka. He Then turned the corner of a building and saw Misaka her body had a white glow come off of it with tendrils coming out of her back and horns coming out of her head.

Y/n looked at her wide eyed. He was speechless. She then turned her head to look at him but Y/n seemingly disappeared.

What happened was Y/n hid in his shadow and went back behind the building hiding.

'WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?!' Y/n mentoly screamed he then was tapped on the shoulder

He looked to his right and saw a random school girl with star eyes

"Um.. hello." Y/n says

"Hey do you mind putting down your mental block?" She says

"W-What how do you know about that?" Y/n asked

"Just trust me please." She pleaded, Y/n complied not sensing any malicious intent he then put down his mental block that he got from the constant times his mom tried to mind control him. He hated the Macro Dragon power so much he was just lucky he adapted to it

The girl then walked off 'Huh what was all that about?' Y/n asked in his mind

'Hi!' Someone says in his head

"What the?!" Y/n said

'Ah let me just say up front.' The girl says 'Don't put your mental block back up, I won't be able to communicate with you. Also I'll be writing everything into your brain. So no arguments.'

"M-My brain!?" Y/n said

'To explain the situation, my ability and the Misaka network are being misused, and Misaka has been put in a bad way.' She says

"Wait, that really is Misaka? I thought my nose was off." Y/n says to himself poking his head out and seeing Misaka again

'However...' She continues

"Hey listen to me...' She then went on "I guess she can't." Y/n said

'... if you stay near her and keep her distracted, you'll be able to delay the network's alterations.' She says 'In all likelihood probably.' She said

"You don't sound very certain!" Y/n says

'By the way, since brainwashing shouldnt have any effect on her, I wonder if that stuff is manipulating the Network to trigger her deep psyche.' She thought 'What do you think?'

"I think that question better have been rhetorical, or else I'll be pissed you've been ignoring me this whole time." Y/n says with a twitching eyebrow

'Who knows you could try your negation. Let's take that challenge!' She says

"Easy for you to say!" Y/n said a couple of seconds later she was silent so he assumed she was done talking. He put up his mental block and took a step away from the building 'I feel like i remember that voice. Hm... maybe that girl from yesterday. Misaki no that was her first name. Sh... Shoukhou... no... why can't i remember... Shokuhou Misaki! That's it!'

He thinks then looked back at Misaka 

"Alright time to help." Y/n says and runs towards her

A couple min later

Y/n was seen standing about 6 feet away from Misaka or at least that's what she thought the real Y/n was hiding in her shadow and the one she was seeing was a ice clone

Y/n then sprung up from the shadow but was met with a lightning bolt to the face with which he reacted fast enough to eat it but was still knocked back.

A Certain Unexplainable Dragon SlayerWhere stories live. Discover now