Chapter 17

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George was three now and still wearing diapers. No one had bothered to try and potty train her yet; because everyone was so busy with other work. So Ink trained her....his way.

Integra was standing on her balcony watching the sunset and wondering what menaces they would face tonight, when she saw George and Ink in the backyard. They were wrestling with each other again. George looked more like a young wolf than a child. Integra wondered if it was a mistake not hiring a nanny. But they didn't want anyone knowing about George. And quite frankly, she didn't trust them not to tell the queen. She wondered if the Iscariots hadn't already told her. But then Iscariots never gave up information willingly. They'd wait until it was in their best interest to use it. She was still thinking about it, when she saw Ink waddle over to one of the trees and relieve himself. Integra's jaw dropped to the floor when she saw George follow suit.

Integra marched out into the yard and picked up George. She checked her diaper. Yep, she was wet. Integra held George at arm's length. Just how long had she been following Ink's example. This is what you get when you let a dog be a nursemaid.

"Ok, time you were properly potty trained." commented Integra.

She took George into the house, changed her diaper, and then took her to see Walter. "Walter." she called out.

"Yes, sir." he responded.

"Potty train George." she commanded. "Apparently, she's been following Ink's example and relieving herself on the redwood."

Walter just stared at her in shock. "She's what?"

So Integra told him exactly what she had seen.

"Oh, dear." said Walter. "Wait here, I've got to go to the library. I'll be right back."

Integra waited in Walter's office. But she spent most of the time trying to keep George from getting into everything. When Walter returned, he found Integra on the floor and under his desk. Walter watched as she chased George from under his desk and took the model SR-71 from George that she had taken to play with.

"Walter's things are not toys." scolded Integra.

George just ignored her and started looking for something else to play with.

"She's a handful isn't she?" asked Walter, handing Integra the book.

"Was I this much trouble when I was her age?" wondered Integra aloud.

Walter smiled at her as he thought back. "No, you weren't. You were a proper young lady, because you had a proper nanny."

"Oh, yes. Now I remember. I had Dame Dutton looking after me." remembered Integra. "She was very strict. A proper woman at all times." Suddenly Integra started chuckling. "She'd die of horror if she had to take care of George."

"George wouldn't be using trees for a bathroom, if she had Dame Dutton as a nanny." stated Walter.

Integra looked at the book he had given her. "Mrs. Potty's adventure?" questioned Integra, giving Walter strange looks.

"It's a proper start for George." said Walter. "This afternoon, I shall go and by a training potty for her. In the meantime, I suggest you start reading."

"Why me? I have work to do." complained Integra, as she looked for George. "Damn, that kid moves fast. George!"

"Well, because George is female...and so are you." said Walter.

"Not according to some people." said Integra, pulling George out of Walter's trash can.

"Be that as it may, you are still her mother." reminded Walter.

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