Chapter 88

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"What are you four doing?" asked Alucard, as he walked out onto the back lawn.

In four lawn chairs sat the Hellsing Heirs; Jon, Arthur and Tarball, George, and Little Teggie. Jon was drinking iced tea as he waited for the eclipse to begin. Arthur and Tarball shared a lawn chair and Arthur just scratched Tarball's ears while they waited. George was laid back with her hands behind her head, and little Teggie imitated George.

"Moon tanning, Mr. L-card." said little Teggie, cheerfully, as she sat up to answer his question.

"Moon tanning?" Alucard's red eyes looked at them over the rim of his dark shades.

"Due to the sun's harmful rays, sun tanning is unhealthy. Since the moon has no light of its own, but reflects the sun's rays. Moon tanning is sun tanning on an infinitely safer scale." explained George, with a wicked grin. "Besides there's gonna be a lunar eclipse tonight and I thought that the children would like to see it."

"Ha, ha, ha, why not." Alucard's dark chuckled matched the evening. "May I join you?"

"Sure." said little Teggie, standing up and giving Alucard her seat. "Sit with me, Mr. L-card."

Alucard bowed to her like a gentleman. "Thank you very much, my little lady."

Little Teggie watched him sit down and then climbed into his lap. She rested against him and looked up into the sky at the moon. Soon she shuddered with cold.

"Brr. Why you so cold, Mr. L-card?" Little Teggie asked him, with big questioning eyes.

"Because I am dead." he said, making a blanket appear out of thin air and wrapping her in it.

"Why are you dead?" She asked, just as innocently.

Alucard just laughed to himself as he remembered that George had asked him the same question years ago. Suddenly, Jonathan walked into the backyard looking for his children.

"So here you all are." Jonathan chuckled, putting his hands on his hips. "What are you doing?"

"Moon tanning." said little Teggie.

"Moon tanning?" scoffed Jonathan.

"The lunar eclipse is beginning." said Alucard, as he watched the moon begin to disappear. "Watch the moon be devoured by the dragon's hunger."

"I thought the moon was eaten by wolves." corrected Jonathan.

"Depends on what culture you're from." said George.

"Well, since wolves are the ones most affected by the moon, I would think that it's wolves eating the moon." Jonathan shrugged. "A little payback as it were."

"Speaking of wolves, I think you should look to your wife." chuckled Alucard, darkly.

Jonathan walked back into the house to find Integra. He wanted to see if she would view the eclipse with him. Suddenly, Pip appeared and looked down at George.

"It would figure that you Hellsings are watching the lunar eclipse." he mused. "Hey, George."

"Hey what?" George looked up at him.

"You're twenty-one now, aren't you?" smiled Pip.

"Yes." George nodded.

"Do you mind celebrating your birthday with me and the boys?" Pip grinned and pointed to himself.

"Well..." she considered.

"Come on George, you're one of us too." called Charlie.

"Yeah, come on. We'll have fun." said Dupree.

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