Chapter 27 - Break-in to Gryffindor Tower

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 Great new folks! I've written a few chapters in advance so you're sure for an update over the next few days :) Also this ones a little bit short but the next one was so much fun to write so you've got that to look forward to :) 

 Al packed her books in her bag, getting ready to go to lunch from Defence. "I am so hungry," she announced to her friends.

 "How? You had that massive bowl of porridge for breakfast!" Draco protested.

 "Yeah, well there's this thing called digestion, and when that happens, I need more food," she explained, patting him on the head patronisingly.

 Daphne giggled, "In fairness, I could murder a cheese toasty," she said, and Al nodded in agreement.

 Flinging his bag over his shoulder, Theo joined in, "Oh, Al, can you still come up to the library to do that Runes project this evening?"

 "Uh, yeah. I should be able to," she replied. It felt really good to be back to normal, even if she hadn't quite come to terms with the whole no-soul thing. The group headed out the classroom, chatting about the lesson, when Neville dropped his inkwell on the floor. Al swooped down and caught it before it could smash and handed to back to him with a smile. 

 "Oh-uh...thanks Al," he said nervously, scratching the back of his head. He looked like he was going to say something else, but didn't so Al hurried off, stuffing a scrap piece of parchment into her pocket.

 "See you, Neville," she said with a wave before jogging to catch up with the others.

 "Why are you so nice to him?" Draco asked distastefully.

 "It's not like he's got any friends," she reasoned, "And I've got no reason to be mean."

 "I think it's really sweet," Daphne said from up ahead. Theo momentarily looked up from his book.

 "What?" Al asked, smiling but confused all the same.

 "He obviously likes you," she said, "And I think you should go for it."

 "Shut up!" Al said, giving Daphne a playful shove and laughing it off. It was weird to think of him like that, but Al knew she was only joking.


 Al awoke to whispering and Millicent hurrying around waking everyone up. "What's going on?" she asked sleepily, to Daphne who was next to her, trying to find her other slipper.

 "Black's been sighted in the castle!" she whispered excitedly. Oh yes; Al had forgotten about that plan for the moment. She'd delivered the passwords to Black when Gryffindor had been playing that quidditch match against Ravenclaw, having taken them from Neville when she'd caught his inkwell.

 "Really?" she asked, pulling on her dressing gown and pretending to be intrigued.

 Daphne nodded as they made their way to the common room, "Mm-hm. Two of the sixth years were out after hours and heard Lupin and Dumbledore talking about it as they searched the castle."

 "Can you imagine?" Draco asked as they sat down on a sofa where he and Theo were waiting.

 "How d'you think he got in?" Theo asked.

 "Someone must have told him the password," Al said, so as not to arouse suspicion. She felt a little guilty at how Neville must be feeling now, but what needed to be done needed to be done. Nothing she could do now except wait and hope.

 "Probably Longbottom," Draco huffed, most likely trying to sound cool, but failing.

 "Jealous are we?" Daphne teased, making Al and Theo  laugh. Draco was always easy to torment. Most of the Slytherins stayed up well into the night, awaiting news. But Al decided to head back to bed after being up for the best part of an hour. She had an early morning walk to do.


 "It's just down here," Al called to McGonagall as the headed through the forest. Sirius had finally agreed to let McGonagall see him. They reached the clearing where there was a burnt out fire and whistling coming from the tent. "After you," she said to the Professor, who ducked and headed inside.

 Sirius paused his whistling and looked up from the stove. His face lit up into the best smile he could manage, "Minnie!" he said, wiping his hands on a towel.

 "A knife? Really Mr Black? A knife! Did you want to scare the poor fellow to death?" she scolded and Al wondered whether she should leave them to it.

 "Pettigrew wasn't even there," Sirius said to Al over McGonagall's shoulder.

 "Oh I know - I heard Ron and Hermione bickering about it. He claims Crookshanks here ate him," Al said, plonking down on the sofa and giving the cat a scratch behind the ears.

 Sirius quickly transformed into his dog form and growled at Crookshanks, who mewed back lazily in response. Sirius transformed back, "He didn't," he announced to the tent.

 "Mr Black," McGonagall said slowly, "Where did you learn to do that?" Al hadn't really thought much of it to be honest. But then again, McGonagall did teach transfiguration.

 "Fifth year," he announced proudly, setting down three mugs of piping tea.

"Fifth year?" McGonagall asked, her eyes wide in disbelief, "Well, I must say. I am rather proud of you. Now, would you care to explain this whole Pettigrew business?" By the time he had finished, McGonagall's eyes were shining. "I never did believe it. Not really," she said putting a hand on his shoulder.

 "I know," was all he replied, embracing her. Al felt very awkward.

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