Chapter 62 - The Pain of Anger

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I cannot tell you how much I loved writing this scene - enjoy it folks :)

 "No," Al said, her voice coming out a hoarse whisper. Snape continued towards her. She stepped back and hit a wall, before she went to open the door. The handle rattled as she shook it. It had locked behind her. She was trapped.

 "No, no, no," she whispered to herself. She'd messed up the only chance she had to escape. The only chance. "No!" she half-screamed, tearing at her throat. Snape was practically stood next to her now. "Please," she sobbed, "I'm sorry! I won't do it again! Please just don't-"

 A set of arms closed around her and she was forced into a strong embrace. The person hugging her held her tightly and stroked her hair as she continued to sob hysterically into their shoulder. They shushed her and whispered into her ear, "It's okay." The voice was familiar somehow. "It's going to be're safe now..."

 "S-Sirius?" Al sniffed. He pulled away and held her tear stained face in his hands. She stared into Sirius Black's shining grey eyes, that smiled kindly at her.

 "You remember me, do you?" he joked.

 Al nodded shakily, drying her eyes with her sleeve. "Yeah," she croaked, "What's going on? Where am I?"

 "You're at my house," Sirius said, "You're safe."

 "I'm safe?" Al repeated in disbelief, "It's over?"

 Sirius nodded, "It's over."

 Al looked over his shoulder at Snape, "H-he's a spy," she mumbled, "I-I saw him."

 "He was there on Dumbledore's orders," Sirius told her, "He's our spy." Al relaxed. It was over. She'd got through it. She never had to do it again.

 "OK," she whispered, "C-can I sit down?" Sirius nodded, and stepped aside, making way for her to grab a seat. But Al had other plans.

 She walked straight over to Snape and punched him, hard, right on his nose. He stumbled backwards, blood streaming down his face, caught off guard. "That hurt did it?" she asked him, full of fighting fury and ignoring the pain in her fist. "Huh?" She stepped after him purposefully, grabbing a frying pan from the sink next to her.

 Before Snape could reach for his wand, she swung the pan round. It collided with his head and emitted a metallic clang. He fell to he floor, and she continued to repeatedly hit him and kick him, not stopping to wonder where her sudden energy had come from. She just wanted to hurt him as much as she could, like he'd hurt her. "YOU," clang, "EVIL," clang, "BASTARD," clang. "HAVE YOU GOT ANY IDEA WHAT YOU DID TO ME?" she screamed at him, completely deranged, while repeatedly hitting him.

 Al would've continued to hit him forever, had another pair of arms not picked her up off her feet, carrying her back to the other end of the room. She dropped her pan in the process, "Put me down!" she shouted, pounding them, and the arms obliged, turning her around and shoving her roughly against the wall.

 Al now looked at the stern but kind face of Professor Lupin. She breathed heavily as he spoke to her, not realising how much energy it took to beat someone up. Lupin fished through his pocket, and pulled Al's wand out. "You can have it," Lupin said, still pinning her against the wall, "But only once you promise not to use it."

 Al thought, looking past his shoulder at Snape who was being fussed over by a plump ginger witch, who looked like he was the last person she wanted to fuss over. He was bleeding all down his face, and was definitely looking like he'd have some nasty bruises. "Alright," she agreed, and Lupin gave her her wand and unpinned her from the wall.

  "Sit," Lupin ordered, and she took up a spare seat opposite Sirius, who winked at her. Al got the feeling that he'd wanted to do that to Snape for a very long time.

 "We need you to tell us what happened, Al," an elderly voice said from the head of the table. Al looked up to see Dumbledore sat there, looking at her with a face of concern.

 "I-Professor," Al said, surprised, and slightly embarrassed. "What-where am I?"

 "Sirius's house,"  Dumbledore replied simply.

 "What and you all live here with him?" Al snapped.

 Dumbledore looked amused, "This is the Order of the Phoenix," he informed her, "An organisation dedicated to-"

 "Yeah, yeah fighting You-Know-Who, I know," Al interrupted impatiently. She looked around at the room. Moody was there, but there was no recognition in his face, which meant that was the real Moody. There were also a few others there, including one of the Aurors that had almost arrested Black last year. Shacklebolt, Al thought his name was.

 But if there were Ministry workers there, did that mean they weren't fighting Voldemort at their jobs. "What about the Ministry?" Al asked. A few people shuffled uncomfortably in their seats.

 "Very good, Al," Dumbledore said proudly, "The Ministry are ignoring Voldemort's return." Al shuddered at the use of his name out loud. She understood, now, why so many people refused to say it.

 "So this is it?" Al said looking up and down the table, "This is all you've got?"

 "We, Al," Dumbledore corrected, "And yes, this is the entire Order of the Phoenix."

 All the relief and hope that Al had felt before was suddenly swept away. She shook her head, "You don't stand a chance."

 "Would Professor Snape still be on our side if he believed that?" Dumbledore asked calmly.

 "No," Al agreed, "But you've probably blackmailed him or something."

 "That's enough, Al," Sirius told her, "We can do this, but you have to tell us what happened."

 "Well, I don't really remember much," she admitted, "It seems like the days blurred into one-"

 "How long do you think you were there, Al?" Sirius asked her.

 "Well, it can't be more than a week..." she began, trailing off when a lot of concerned looks were thrown her way. "What's the date?" she asked, not wanting to know the answer.

 "The third of August," Lupin said quietly.

 A lump formed in Al's throat, "I-I was there for more than a month?" she asked. Slowly, Lupin nodded. A few seconds passed, or it could've been a few minutes, before Al spoke again. "Well there's not much to tell," she said, "I was in that cellar for most of it. I think You-Know-Who wanted to recruit me or something-"

 "What?" Sirius asked, "Why?"

 "He-he said I was powerful," Al said, keeping her eyes on the table in front of her, "There was this one time when I was hitting this Death Eater, and then there was this burst of energy...and...and I don't really know what it was."

 "What happened just before that?" Dumbledore asked, "Why were you hitting him?"

 "I-I'd had this vision of the leaving feast," she admitted, "And I saw everyone...all my friends. It just gave me a bit of strength, I think."

 "And this vision-" Dumbledore began.

 "I'm not telling you about my vision," Al said before he could go any further, "You were in it, so you know what happened. The rest is private."

 Dumbledore nodded, "I understand, Al," he said, "But this is important-"

 "It's not!" she shouted, "It's not relevant! You don't need to know so can you just...just...drop it!"

 The door behind her burst open, and George tumbled into the room. His eyes landed on Al and widened, before his face split into a relieved grin. "You're alive," he whispered.

Alexandra Dursley {Golden Trio}Where stories live. Discover now