Chapter 154 - Support Harry Potter

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"What?" Neville whispered, and she heard him fall into a chair. She walked round and put a hand on his shoulder, which he grabbed absentmindedly.

"It's top secret," she said, "The Death Eaters don't know. Just me, Ron and Hermione." She didn't mention Snape for obvious reasons.

"Then, it's over," Neville said, quietly horrified.

"No, it's not," Al said, her voice steady and steely with determination. "There was a prophecy. Two actually."

"The one from the Department of Mysteries?" Neville asked.

Al hesitated. She had sworn to Dumbledore not to tell. "Does the Unbreakable Vow last after death?" she asked, not sure if he'd know.

Neville shook his head. "No," he said firmly, "My uncle made one about adopting someone's kid if they died, but then they did die and he didn't go through with it."

"Good," Al said, heaving a sigh of relief as she sat opposite Neville. "That prophecy said Harry had to be the one to kill You-Know-Who. He was the Chosen One." This didn't make things any better for Neville, and his eyes shone with tears. "I was there the night You-Know-Who killed the Potters," Al continued, catching Neville's attention once more. "The curse rebounded from Harry and hit You-Know-Who, splitting his soul. And that bit of went inside Harry. And then part of it rebounded from him and hit me." Neville gasped. "My soul was severed from my body, and resided in Harry's for thirteen years until I got it back three and a half years ago. That is why I can do the white light thing."

"Oh," Neville said, leaning forward, "The thing you used on Malfoy?"

Al nodded. "It also meant that Harry and I have - had - a pathway between our souls. We could communicate non-verbally, I sometimes had visions of where he was, and vice-versa." She paused, plucking up her courage. "There was another prophecy, made to me two and a half years ago.

"When the Chosen One changes paths, His connection will take the lead, Vanquish his greatest opponent, By inheriting the burden from All Hallow's Eve, But only through the greatest sacrifice, Will they succeed." She finished reciting it, watching for Neville's reaction. He was staring at her wide-eyed and silent.

Eventually, he swallowed, and said, "What does it mean?"

"Well," Al said, still not entirely convinced, "The Chosen one has changed paths, that was when Harry - um - died. I'm his connection, so I presume that means I take his place. His greatest opponent was You-Know-Who, so I have" She stopped. "I will kill You-Know-Who. There is no doubt in that. It will happen. The burden from All Hallow's Eve, that's the bit of You-Know-Who's soul that was in Harry. I - I absorbed it. It's in me now." Neville looked revolted and scared, but didn't say anything. "The greatest sacrifice means I have to die to do it. That will destroy the bit of soul. And then, that will kill him. That will kill You-Know-Who."

"Why are you telling me this?" he whispered quietly.

"Because..." Al paused. "I need someone else to know. To understand. And I trust you Neville. I trust you can keep your head...once you've processed everything."

He nodded, gripping the arms of his chair. "We can do this, Al," he said, looking up at her, determined. "We can do it."


Al spent all of her free time in the training room, destroying every target in the most brutal ways she could think of. If someone wanted her, that was where they found her. When she couldn't physically carry on with that, she had manic potion brewing sessions, the rhythm and precision of her work acting as a good replacement. And when she needed to do her homework she sat in her office, struggling to face the people that had come to rely on her. Neville took that place.

There was a knock at her door and she looked up from her Transfiguration essay. "Come in," she called, and Neville opened the door and slipped inside.

"I've got the Potterwatch update," he said, waving a bit of parchment. Al nodded for him to continue. "Three families found dead - Killing Curse, a couple living in Surrey died of the Cruciatus Curse - not your parents -" he added at the look on her face. "And Xenophilius Lovegood was admitted to St Mungo's emergency room earlier this morning for Death Eater related injuries."

"Nothing about Harry?" Al asked, frowning.

"Pals of Potter maintain that he's still alive," Neville said solemnly.

"Good," Al whispered. "Good. Thanks Neville."

"No worries," he said, somewhat brightly, "A few of us are sneaking down to Hagrid's on Monday for a 'Support Harry Potter Party' - do you want to come?"

"You're alright," Al said, "Just try not to get caught."


"Al!" Anne said shaking her awake, "They just got back from Hagrid's - they're in a really bad way." Al got out of bed and threw her dressing gown on. In front of her were Ginny, Neville, Michael Corner, Daphne, and Terry Boot, all of them on the floor, and all of them groaning in pain. The worst looked to be Neville, who had a black eye, and Daphne, who had a split lip.

"Anne can you let Potterwatch know that Hagrid's on the run?" Al said, and she hurried off.

Al went into her store cupboard and got ten vials of robustness potion, a vial of wound-cleaning potion, and a large tin of bruising paste. She worked quickly, and by the time she was done everyone was talking to each other. "Thanks, Al," Neville said as she applied the paste to his eye. She just nodded stiffly.

"We wish you could have come," Daphne said quickly. There was a chorus of 'yeah!'

"And who would do this if I had?" Al asked, frustrated, "Once the Carrows catch me - that's it. I'm done. So I can't come with you, can I?" Merlin, they were so ungrateful!

"Sorry," Daphne said, frowning, "I just meant-"

"Save it," Al snapped. She turned on her heel and stormed back into her potions room, where she began to restock her robustness potion.

When she was almost done, there was a knock at the door and Neville appeared. "I've got the Potterwatch report." Al nodded for him to continue. "Ted Tonks and Dirk Cresswell found dead, a goblin called Gornuk, a muggle family in Gaddley, Dean Thomas and Griphook the goblin have gone missing-"

"Dean Thomas in our year?" Neville nodded.

"Bathilda Bagshot found dead in her home in Godric's Hollow," he continued, "Chief Death Eater sightings abroad, Pals of Potter say Harry's still alive."

"Thank you, Neville," Al said quietly.

"You've upset Daphne," he told her, "And Michael, Ginny and Terry are pretty pissed off with you too." Al dropped her ladle on the floor, and bent down to pick it up, vanishing the mess and taking a deep breath.

"I'm going to see George," she said quickly, "I'll be back before breakfast."

"OK," Neville said. "Al?" he called as she reached the door, and she stopped. "Please be careful."

  Al bit back a retort, knowing she was just bitter about Harry. She didn't have to be this mean. "Thank you, Neville."

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