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Your gaze lands to a clothes rack.
Your eyes widen at the sudden sight of a bloody blue jacket and a red beaminng eye.
He smiled, the crack in his skull making him seem even more horrifying than he was before.

There was no way in hell that could have even remotely been Sans.
You said that.
But you knew that deep down whatever it was looked exactly like him.

Cherry turned back to see the draining color in your skin.
"Hey are you ok?"
You didnt even budge to look her way, because the fear that this thing was real and could move at any second, struck you dead in your heart. Whats more? He speaks to you through mind, just like Sans.

Whatever this was, it wasnt good.

You blink.........

Hes gone.
"Hey, (Y/n) what are you thinking about lovely? You act like youve just seen a hanging dead corpse."

If anything, thats what it felt like. While cherry was talking, you couldn't help but stare at where the skeleton stood before.

You still felt an eery chill poking at your spine. You were a bit upset with Sans this morning......but now......you need to fucking get home. ASAP.

Cherry continues to talk as you pick up your pace in step. The vision popping in your eyes every six seconds, feeling the stare look you over. This place was so crowded that it shouldnt even feel as scary as it does right now, but that thing you saw..........could make a grown man shiver.

Finally outside you make it to Cherry's car. She dives in after you and starts up.
"Lovely............if something is bothering you, you know you can tell me right?"
You hesitate, you know you can tell her anything....but this....this seems like something Sans might need to know.

You nod in response. She pulls off.
As you stare into the review mirror a relaxed sigh escapes you. The built up tension seemingly following you through the store has finally released until

His red socket reflects in the rearview mirror. His playfully dreadful smile giving you quaking fear. 'Im so sorry Sans, im scared shitless right now. Pls.'

You close your eyes hoping that the skeleton that looked exactly as Sans did was gone.

You opened your eyes to see the red eyed Sans vanished and replaced by a blue eyed Sans in the backseat.
"Hey, you call- Woah!!"

Cherry swerved the car in surprise, to Sans voice.
You hold onto the dashboard as she swerves back into place, thankfully avoiding any posiible incidents.

But she looks mad as hell.
Her broad shoulders seem to shiver as she comprohends that their is a skeleton in her back seat with pink slippers and a blue jacket.

Before you get a chance to speak cherry pulls safely to the side of the road.
Your a bit scared to say anything at this point because of her suffocating expression. She breaths slowly with her head on the wheel, catching her breath before asking questions.

"Normally, i would be happy to meet someone as exquisite as you. Shit. Id probably flirt. BUT IF YOUR ASS DONT GET THE FUCK OUT OF MY CAR. I PROMISE TO GOD!"

Sans quickly holds his hands up defensively and dissipates in mid air.

You look over to the hyperventilating blond haired woman, her eyes shut.

You weakly smile,"My bad."
She sighs,"you and i both know i cant stay mad, but we've really gotta talk about these skele-friends of yours, okay?"

You nod and Cherry cranks back up.

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