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He looked just like a child laying in your lap. Snoozing off as if there are no worries in the world, you rose a hesitant hand to his skull.

A light blush of blue dusted lightly against his cheek bones resting in the sun's horizon through the van window. You finally decided to rest your hand on his head and rub his skull.

Almost rewardingly he snuggles up to you and released a relaxed small sound.
Once he was still, you looked out the window of the van and took in the view of colorful shacks spread across the beach you were all leaving.

They all had bright neon signs that could have blinded someone in the day, but with the sun finally setting the warm lighting only seemed to mix in the vehicle's windows while passing by.

You look to your left and see the two peas in a pod leaning against each other snoring quietly. Papyrus towards the door, leaning his head onto Nathan's that rest on his shoulder. Those two were the best of friends now, you were happy cause of that.

Kareem's voice reaches you from the driver's seat. "You all sleep back there?"
You lightly turn your head from the two boys. "No, im up."

He nods and seems to lightly bop his head to the music playing on the radio. It was calm and  smooth, the man singing about the feeling of summer.

The song brought you back to when you were younger. You and Kareem doing stupid shit, always getting you in trouble but it was most definitely worth it.

"Kareem, you remember when we rode our bikes up that ramp together and almost broke our necks?" You hear a slight chuckle from him. "Do i? That's the other time your dad almost killed me. He was damn terrifying."

You smiled as you remember kareem shivering while standing at your fathers door. Knowing any second he was going to open that door and kareem would have to show the grumpy old man your scratched face and beat up bike.

You didn't want kareem to, but he insisted on the behalf of knowing what your father would do to you. You knew your dad wouldn't hit other peoples kids and you told kareem that but he couldn't help but fumble over his words and shiver all over.

In the end you still got beat, but the courtesy that kareem showed always stuck with you. You remember kareem being your strength and empowerment when you were younger.

"So y/n, are you gonna tell him?" Hm? What was he talking about? "The blue ball." You realized what he meant now, at the beach earlier he asked you did you like him. Of course he read right through you even though you never told him anything. If he only knew.

"I never said i liked him." That was your quickest way of blowing off the question. At least the quickest attempt.
"I know. But i also know, you like him."
You felt a cold shiver down your spine before looking in the center car review mirror.

When you looked in that car mirror you no longer felt the shiver. not because it was replaced by reassurance but because it was replaced by fear.

In the car review mirror there was something that took you by your neck and seemed to strangle air from you without touch. In the car review mirror was something that had you absolutely frozen.

In the car review mirror there were eyes. Red eyes that just for a second peered into your soul. But not just anyone's eyes,

Kareem's eyes.

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