Proletariat Part 3 (Willne)

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She stared into the minty green eyes, forgetting   how she got there in the first place

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She stared into the minty green eyes, forgetting   how she got there in the first place


Penney's POV

I received my usual 'good luck' from Sally and the rest of the girls, before I made my usual ascend up the staircase. I weaved through the number of maids, coming out of the many rooms after cleaning them. I didn't walk as slowly as I did before. Normally, I would've walked slowly, to either drag out the time, of use the time to prepare myself mentally. I arrived at the door I would normally grimace at. I knock softly.


Can be heard on the opposite side. I surprisingly, happily walked through the door, to find Will, already perched at the end of his bed. His dancing shoes already attached to his feet, my shoes in his hand. He looks up at me, with a face other than his normal disgust, or annoyance. A smile.

"Hi Pen"

He resorts to using a nickname that no one but my mother calls me. Called me, sorry.

"Fancy practising in the ballroom?"

Will questioned. I nodded, knowing it will be beneficial. We walked down the stairs, our shoes clip clopping as we strolled. We exchanged stories about random stuff, until we arrived at the ball room. I immediately made my way to the radio boom, and set it up. The music rang through my ears as I made my way towards Will.

"The only thing you have to learn now, is how to dip someone. It won't take as long as it did to teach you the other steps, but this one is important"

Will nodded along as we started doing the previous steps, and since he is still wary about them, we had to stop and restart a few times. Will seemed oddly distracted today. I'm not sure what his problem was. I often caught him staring. Which was odd considering what he was staring at.


"Are you okay Will?"

I stopped us and asked softly. I needed to make sure he was focused. Other wise he could end up hurting himself or me. I look up at him, to once again, find him already looking at me. He blinked a few times, coming out of his trance.

"Uh yea, I'm fine. You?"

He smiled asking. I gave him a small look of confusion. But nodded my head.

"You just seem really distracted today"

His eyes widened slightly. But he acted like what I said shocked him. Badly mind you.

"No I'm fine. Sorry if I made you think that"

I looked down slightly. Thinking for a second. Deciding to ignore I for now.

"Right, 3 more times of this, then a break. Then after the break, I will teach you how to dip"

"Getting bossy now are we?"

Miniminter, Calfreezy, Wroetoshaw and Willne imaginesWhere stories live. Discover now