THIRTY-TWO. house of curfews

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Defeated glances were thrown around River, Amber, and Nina's room as the members of Sibuna entered it. Patricia closed the door and joined to the group circle.

"If we don't get the amulets back from Victor, Patricia said, "there's no way we'll ever get back in the tunnels."

"We can kiss the Mask goodbye." Nina huffed.

"Don't worry, it could be worse," Amber assured Nina, pulling her into a side hug before whispering loudly to the rest, "It really couldn't."

"Amber, she can hear you," River reminded her blonde friend.

"Oh. Sorry."

Nina chuckled at her roommates before a familiar voice was heard echoing through the house. Victor Rodenmaar. "Whoever you are, wherever you are, know this. It's nearly..."

The Sibuna six shared exasperated frowns before simultaneously muttering, "Pin drop."

Alfie and Patricia made their way to the door and River was about to turn to her bed until Fabian stopped everyone's movements. "No, wait." As the circle reformed again, Fabian carried on with a determined smile. "We can do this. We can do this. We can get them back."

"How?" Patricia questioned. "We blew our one chance of grabbing them when he took them off."

"Yeah," River agreed. "I doubt he's going to take them off anytime soon."

"So we take them while he's got them on," Fabian uttered. River drew a confused frown, seeing that the rest were also confused as to what Fabian was saying. "Say he was super tired. Like, the most tired a human being has ever been. Ever."

"Wait. Doesn't that kinda rely on him being human?" Alfie joked and River nodded in agreement.

"Yeah. Okay," Nina continued Fabian's point with an equally excited smile. "So we keep him
up all night and then when he does fall asleep..."

"Nothing will wake him," Fabian finished her thought.

"And we make our move."

"This is gonna be good." Alfie grinned.

River couldn't help but smile along with her club mates. "Sorry, Victor. Guess ten o'clock's gonna have to wait."

. . .

After everyone went to their rooms, Operation: Never o'Clock (River argued for the name) was a go. The first step was Amber turning on the security lights outside, which would surely alert Victor. When he was distracted, River would sneak down to meet with Alfie for a plan they had not yet thought up of.

𝐆𝐀𝐌𝐄 𝐎𝐅 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐀𝐋 (𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐬𝐞 𝐨𝐟 𝐚𝐧𝐮𝐛𝐢𝐬.)²Where stories live. Discover now