Appendicitis During Concert

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Harry was getting ready to go on stage for the bands next show of their OTRA Tour. He was getting his hair and makeup done, he was already dressed in his stage clothes. While he was sitting down, he noticed that he had a stomach ache. He brushed it off, thinking it was from the because of the bacon he had for breakfast this morning.
When Harry went to stand up after his hair and makeup was done, the pain spiked a little, making him wince and bend forward slightly. Lou, their hairstylist looked at Harry worriedly.

"Are you ok Harry?"

"Yeah I'm fine, I just have a stomachache"

"I think I have some pills in my purse that'll help your stomach. Wait here while I go get it."

"Ok thank you Lou"

"You're welcome Harry"

Harry waited right where he was until Lou came back and put two little pills in his hand. He swallowed them down with some water. He just hoped that he would feel better by the time they had to go on stage.


An hour later and the pain in Harry's stomach have gotten worse instead of better. He noticed that the pain was focused on the right side of his stomach instead of all over. This definitely wasn't a normal stomachache, but he didn't tell anyone. Harry didn't want to worry anyone so he kept it to himself.
Harry and his band mates ran onstage when the intro stopped and their first song started. He had to stop running and walked instead because the running made his stomachache worse. He rubbed his stomach discreetly, just wanting the pain to stop.
The longer the concert went on, the worse Harry felt. He went from having just a stomachache, to feeling nauseous as well as having the stomachache. He wanted to tell Liam, but he didn't want to ruin the concert and worry everyone, so he kept his predicament to himself once again.
They were now half way done with the concert and Harry just couldn't take the pain anymore. It went from a dull ache, to a sharp stabbing pain. This was the worse stomachache Harry has ever had. He couldn't even stand anymore because the pain was so bad. He was sitting on the prop in the middle of the stage, hunched over because he was in so much pain.
Harry hid his face in his hands, starting to cry because the pain was now unbearable. The fans noticed Harry was crying and tried to get Liam's attention, since he was the closest to Harry. Once they caught Liam's attention they started pointing frantically at Harry. Trying to get him to help Harry, they didn't like seeing him cry.
When Liam looked over at Harry like the fans were telling him to do, he sat down next to him worried about why he was sobbing on stage. He took out his and Harry's in ears so that he could talk to him and find out what's wrong.

"Harry what's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"M my stomach hurts s so bad Liam."

"Where does your stomach hurt Harry?"

"H here"

Harry pointed to the right side of his stomach, sobbing harder when they pain got even worse. He doubled over, hugging his stomach and sobbing his heart out. Liam instantly paled in worry, he knew that the spot Harry was pointing at was where his appendix is at. He ran backstage to tell their manager to call an ambulance before Harry's appendix burst.
When he saw someone take out their phone Liam immediately ran back onstage and over to Harry. He noticed that the music stopped and Niall and Louis were surrounding a still sobbing Harry. The fans were all worried now, screaming and crying in worry about Harry. He told Niall and Louis what to do.

"Ok guys we need to get Harry backstage so that they can get him into the ambulance right away."

They all three picked Harry up and winced in sympathy when he cried out in pain. They walked back stage and quickly as they could without jostling Harry's stomach. When they finally got backstage, the ambulance was already there waiting for him. EMT's brought the stretcher over to them and they gently laid Harry down onto it.
They all watched as the EMT's rolled Harry into the stretcher and drove him away to the hospital. They all hoped that they could get Harry to the hospital before his appendix burst. Liam ran to the car, Niall and Louis following and got in. Once they were all in the car and buckled in, he drove them to the hospital.
Liam parked the car in the hospital parking lot and they all got out. They ran into the hospital and over to the front desk. They all hoped that Harry was ok, they never want to see Harry in that much pain ever again. Liam was the one to ask the nurse at the front desk about Harry, Niall and Louis too scared and close to tears to talk.

"We're here for Harry Styles"

"Harry is currently in surgery for his appendix, I'll let you know when he's out of surgery and is allowed visitors."

"Thank you so much"

They were all relieved that Harry was in surgery. That means that he won't be in pain anymore, they hoped so at least. They all sat down in the chairs in the waiting room, and waited on news about Harry.


Two hours later and a doctor walked over to Liam Niall and Louis, when they saw him, they all stood up. Liam shook his hand and they waited for the doctor to start talking.

"Alright Harry's appendix is out. He's in the recovery room right now but will be moved into a regular room in a little bit."

"Is he going to be ok?"

"Yes he's going to be just fine, we got his appendix out before it ruptured. He's just going to need a lot of rest until he heals."

"When can we take him home?"

"He has to stay in the hospital for 24 hours just to make sure he can eat and keep the food down. But if he can eat just fine and it stays down, then he can go home tomorrow night."

"Thank you so much doctor."

"You're welcome boys you can go in and see him now, he should be in his regular room right now. He's in room 204."

As soon as those words left his mouth Liam Niall and Louis ran down the hallways until they found Harry's room. When they found it they walked in quietly, not wanting to disturb him if he was sleeping. They were shocked to see him awake. He looked like he felt a lot better, tired of course but other than that he looked like his normal self. They all gave him a group hug, glad that he's ok. Louis was the first one to speak this time.

"We're so glad that you're ok Harry, we were really worried about you!"

"I'm sorry I worried you guys, but I'm fine now I promise."

They gave Harry another group hug until he fell asleep. They sat in the room quietly while he rested, they wanted him to get as much rest as he could so they he would heal quicker.


A day later and Harry was able to go home, which his band mates were happy about. A couple of months later and Harry was back to his normal goofy self. Harry promised to tell them the next time he felt off no matter what.

Here's another request I hope you like it! Please comment your requests down below and I'll write them when I can!

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