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Trigger warning! If you are recovering from an eating disorder please don't read this story if it'll trigger you. I don't want you to get worse, I want you to keep fighting and doing beating this horrible disorder. I am here for you if you need to talk ❤️.

Harry's bandmates have been noticing that Harry's clothes have been getting big on him. They also notice that he isn't eating, it started off as every once in awhile that he would skip a meal, but now it's everyday and they are getting worried. He's been working out more, way more than he should be. He works out for hours every morning, doesn't eat breakfast or lunch, and does sound checks or interviews.
Harry passes out pretty much everyday which worries them greatly, but every time they try to talk to him about it Harry snaps at them, telling them that he's fine. They all know that he isn't fine, but they don't want to fight with him on it, so they let Harry win. Harry will only drink water, but he won't tell anyone why, but Liam already knows it's because it has no calories. When Harry does eat something, it's usually a cracker or a couple grapes, which isn't enough for him at all.
Harry's clothes went from fitting him just right, to being massive on him. Their stylists keep having to buy him smaller clothes so that they fit him properly. But even the smallest sizes in men's clothes look huge on his tiny frame. But all Liam Niall and Louis can think to do is to watch worry, because Harry snaps at them that he's fine every time they bring it up.
Harry can't stand for long periods of time before he gets dizzy, but he thinks he's totally fine. He thinks it's normal to see every single bone on his body, that his eyes should look sunken in and skin pale. He thinks that seeing his bones means that he's getting closer to his goal weight. He refuses to go to the doctor, and his bandmates have tried everything to get him to go.
Their fans are just as worried about Harry, they are constantly posting pictures of him getting skinnier and skinnier. When Liam looks at the pictures of what Harry looked like before his eating disorder and what he looks like now he tears up. Harry used to look so full of life, and now he looks pale and his eyes look hallow. He sees how much Harry struggles to move around all day and he hates it.
Everyday Harry loses more and more weight and he struggles even more to keep on his feet without fainting. He went from eating a little bit of food, to eating nothing at all. Simon is even showing concern for Harry, everyone around them is. But nothing they said would get Harry to eat. He would either refuse it, or he would take it and throw it away when no one was looking.
Today Niall Liam and Louis decided to try to get Harry to eat something. They cooked his meal and called Harry into kitchen to eat, when he did, Harry looked at the food scared. Harry sat there for a few seconds before eating the meal slowly. They were all really proud of Harry for eating. When he was done eating, Harry went upstairs while Liam and Niall cleaned the kitchen.
An hour later and Harry hasn't come back downstairs, which worried everyone. Liam decided to walk upstairs and into Harry's room to go and see what he was doing. When he walked in, Harry's room was empty. He was confused for a little bit, but then he could hear noises coming from Harry's bathroom.
Liam walked over to the bathroom door and put his right ear on it to listen to what Harry was doing. When he heard retching noises coming from Harry his face paled, Harry was purging the meal they made for him. Liam knocked on the door and Harry stopped. He knocked on the door again and Harry finally shakily responded.

"Y yeah Liam?"

"Harry please stop purging, it's not good for you."

"I need to loose weight Liam I'm fat"

"No your not Harry, you are scarily skinny"

"No I'm not, stop lying to me"

"I'm not lying Harry, I would never lie to you"

"I need to purge or else I'll get even more far than I already am."

"You aren't fat Harry, not even a little bit. You need to eat or else you'll die."

"I'm not going to die Liam I'm fine"

"No your not Harry"

"Yes I am now leave me alone!"

Liam was shocked when Harry slammed the door in his face. Harry has never done that before. He walked out of Harry's room back into the kitchen, Niall and Louis looking at him sadly. They had obviously heard the whole thing, they were all even more worried about Harry. They had to do something to help him, but they don't know what to do.
Liam called the first person he could think of for advice, his mom. He knew that she could help him figure out what to do for Harry, after all Harry was like another son to her. He dialed her number and waited for her to answer, which she did after the second ring.

"Hi Liam"

"Hi mom, um can I ask you for advice?"

"Of course, what's it about?"

"It's about Harry, he obviously has an eating disorder, he's lost a lot of weight and I just caught him purging in his bathroom. We don't know how to help him mom, but we are really worried about him. What should we do?"

"Trick him into getting in the car and you all take him to a eating disorder clinic before it's too late, I've seen pictures of Harry lately and I'm really worried about him to."

"Ok will do, thank you mom"

"You're welcome honey"

The next morning Liam called the eating disorder clinic and they got a room ready for him. Today was the day that they would get Harry help, they didn't want to lose him they loved Harry too much to let him keep doing this to himself. They packed a bag for Harry to take with him to the hospital with everything that he would need. They walked into his room and Niall woke him up.

"Good morning Harry, come on and let's go shopping or something."

"Ok I'm coming."

They all waited downstairs for Harry to get ready, they didn't have to wait long. A few minutes after they woke him up Harry was coming downstairs fully dressed and ready to go. They all walked outside and into the car, Liam driving them to the hospital. Harry looked out the window confused when he didn't see the mall coming into view.
Harry kept looking around confused until he could see the sign that said "London Eating Disorder Clinic". He immediately started sobbing and trying to get out of the car. He didn't want to go into the hospital, they would make him gain weight and get fat. He didn't want to get fatter than he already was.

"N no I don't want to go into the hospital! I want to go shopping Liam please!"

"I'm sorry Harry but we have to do this, we are worried about you."

"I'll get better Liam please! I don't need to go to the hospital I promise!"

It broke their hearts to hear Harry so upset, but he needs to be admitted, it's for his own good. Liam picked Harry up and carried him inside, Harry sobbing and pleading with Liam to put him back in the car and go to the mall instead. He kept saying over and over again that he'll get better if they take him back home, but Liam kept walking until the were at the front desk.
The nurse that was sitting at the desk started admitting Harry into the hospital, putting a hospital bracelet into Harry's right wrist. She showed them to Harry's room, Niall and Louis unpacking Harry's bag. They all knew that this was the best thing for Harry.


Harry stayed in the eating disorder clinic for a year, where they got his weight back to where it needs to be for his height and age. They diagnosed Harry with Anorexia Nervosa. They got him into therapy where he talks about what made him develop Anorexia and how to make the voice in his head to get quieter and quieter. It took a couple years before Harry was finally able to eat without worry.

Here's another request I hope you like it! Please comment your requests down below or message them to me and I'll write them when I can!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 12, 2020 ⏰

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