Sick But No One Believes Him

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Niall has been sick for a few days now with a bad cold and everyone was taking care of him. He wanted Harry to sleep with him though every night, and of course Harry obliged. Harry got everything Niall wanted and cuddled him every time he asked for a cuddle. Harry was now regretting that choice as he woke up with a stuffy nose, sore throat and a cough.
Harry wanted to tell his bandmates so that he could be taken care of as well. He got out of bed and walked into the kitchen where he could hear Louis and Liam's voices. He walked over to Louis and laid his head on his shoulder coughing as he did that. He knew that Louis would baby him since he has a soft spot for Harry. To help get his point across he looked up at Louis with sad eyes as he told him how he was feeling.

"Louis I don't feel good, I think I caught the cold that Niall has."

Harry was expecting to be babied, but what he wasn't expecting was to be pushed away and yelled at by Louis.

"Yeah right Harry, stop trying to fake being sick so that we can take care of you! Niall is sick and we need to take care of him!"

"B but Louis I'm not faking I really am sick"

"Yeah right Harry, just stop lying right now and take this bowl of soup up to Niall."

Harry looked down sadly and took the bowl of soup, walking back into Niall's room. He sniffled as he handed the bowl to Niall. He thought he saw Niall look at him and roll his eyes, but he brushed it off thinking he was just seeing things. He felt Niall tug on his arm indicating that he wanted cuddles, so Harry laid back down next to him.
Niall would look over at Harry every once in awhile when he would hear him cough or sniffle. He was getting annoyed the more Harry would do that. He also could see Harry's face getting paler and paler as time went on, but he just thought it was because of the light shining in the room. He decided to ask him about it.

"Harry what's going on? You keep coughing and sniffling."

"I think I caught your cold but Liam and Louis don't believe me"

Niall's eyes widened when he heard this, but then he got annoyed. He thought that Harry was faking to get sympathy from his bandmates like he was. He decided to go along with what Liam and Louis said to him so that he would stop faking.

"Knock if off Harry, it's obviously just your allergies acting up so just stop faking sick it's not working on any of us."

Harry was shocked that everyone was reacting this way, he thought that they knew him better than that. He would never pass his allergies as being sick, so why do they think he's doing that? He decided to leave Niall's room and go back into his own room since Niall didn't want to believe him either. Harry just suffered in his room alone. As the day went on, Harry cough kept getting worse and worse. It went from a normal sounding cough, to a deep and barky cough. He was also starting to cough up phlegm which definitely isn't good.
He also was getting a fever, he could tell because he was covered up with 4 blankets and he still felt cold. Harry just felt terrible and his bandmates STILL didn't believe him. They could hear Harry's cough, but they still thought he was faking. Little did they know that he definitely wasn't faking, and that this little cold was slowly turning into bronchitis.


It was now in the middle of the night and Harry shot up, being woken up from his deep sleep to cough his lungs out. But the more he coughed, he realized that he couldn't breathe. The more he tried to catch his breath, the more he could cough. Harry suddenly went from coughing and choking to throwing up, and it wasn't a little either. Harry was throwing up a lot, and it was mostly phlegm from his lungs and the dinner he ate even though he didn't eat much.
When Harry was finally able to catch his breathe he went into Louis's room and laid on his bed next to Louis, needing comfort. Louis shot up from being scared awake by Harry laying down in his bed so hard so suddenly. Louis groaned seeing Harry on his bed and tried to push him off.

"Ughhh Harry get off of my bed and go into your own I'm trying to sleep."

He saw that Harry was asleep so he tried to wake him up by tapping his face, but as soon as his hand touched Harry's face. He could feel the heat radiating off his skin. He pulled his hand away shocked. Louis got out of bed and ran into Liam's room, jumping on top of Liam to wake him up. When Liam shot up and shoved Louis annoyed he told Liam what happened.

"Liam! Harry is really sick he came into my room and laid on my bed and fell asleep but when I touched his head I felt that he has a crazy fever!"

"He's sick? But I thought he was faking!"

"I thought so to but he's definitely not"

Liam and Louis walked back into Louis's room and when they got close enough to Harry, they could hear him wheezing as he breathed which definitely isn't a good sign. They looked at each other worriedly and Liam felt Harry's forehead, feeling the high fever that Louis was telling him about. They both got really worried now, Liam sprang into action and told Louis what to do.

"Ok Louis I'll get Harry into the car and you go and wake up Niall and tell him what happened and that we are taking Harry to the hospital."

"Ok Liam"

Louis ran into Niall's room while Liam woke up Harry so that he could walk to their car. Louis shook Niall awake and quickly told him what happened.

"Niall! Harry is sick, he came into my room and he has a crazy fever and he's wheezing really bad so we are taking him to the hospital."

"What!? Ok I'm coming with."

Louis and Niall ran outside and helped Liam get Harry into the car. Harry was awake, but he was really out of it. Once Harry was in the car they all got in and started driving to the hospital. They all winced every time Harry would cough, it was a deep barky cough that sounded painful. They all felt really bad for Harry, they felt horrible for not believing him when he told them he wasn't feeling well.
As soon as the car was parked they all got out of the car and then helped Harry out. They practically carried Harry inside the hospital. When the nurses saw the condition that Harry was in and grabbed a wheelchair and helped Harry sit on the wheelchair and pushed him into a room. They put and oxygen mask on Harry when they heard how badly he was wheezing. They put him as an emergency and a doctor came in very quickly and started checking Harry's vitals and did X-rays and other tests.
A few hours later all of the test results came in and the doctor looked at Liam Niall and Louis and told them the diagnosis.

"Ok Harry has a pretty severe case of bronchitis."

"How severe is it doctor?" Liam asked worriedly as he looked at Harry, feeling terrible for not believing him.

"It's pretty severe, he'll have to stay in the hospital for a few days for observation and medication through an IV to help this leave his system faster."

They all felt guilty for not believing him, they didn't think he was this sick. They all thought Harry had a simple little cold. Harry was way sicker than they all though and they were going to do everything they can to help him feel better faster. Liam looked at the doctor and gave him the ok time keep Harry in the hospital for as long as needed.

"Keep him here for as long as you need doctor, we just want him to feel better as fast as he can."

"Alright thank you boys, we will keep you updated on his condition and when he's ok enough to go home."


Harry ended up having to stay in the hospital for two weeks. But he was grateful to be feeling better, his bandmates now believed him every time he told them he wasn't feeling good. They didn't want this to happen to Harry again. They were just  happy to have their happy and energetic Harry back again.

Here's another request I hope you all like it! Please comment your requests down below or message them to me and I'll write them when I can!

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