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when gentle,
wantful courage comes in
find empowerment in release.
forget what is right,
and what is proper,
the vow is key
and she whispers it endlessly until she knows you can hear her.
pulled by the red threads of fate,
you mark where you've come from in red marker,
and erase away the blue dots from where you've been
as you start anew under this new moon.
the circle is forever,
and you know this well.
you keep this knowledge
as you cast away your spell
and relinquish all control
to the thrash and pull of the tides.
loud cars zoom by
with big engines and noises
loud loud loud
but it's alright.
you know,
in times of sadness and grief and panic,
that you will be happy again.
you don't need to be happy right now,
but you're gonna be later.
forget everything
and go
and never come back
unless you want to.
sunshine boils my blood on cold concrete
and I am alone
and I am awake
and I am breathing.
thank you.

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