goodbye to those I left

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here I am again
singing the same song on repeat
here I am again
with the bloody sword at my feet

the blood is from the battles I have won
and the scratches in the metal are from all I have lost.

there is barely a sword left to fight with.

but that doesn't mean fighting without a weapon would be any better.

the moment I have to start accommodating for the state of my sword
is the moment I will drop it
and fight with tooth and nail.

these words are all meaningless
because I am sitting here doing nothing
making pretty thoughts go through our heads
and drowning out all that I am capable of.

let me explode
and burn
and get ripped apart
I want to feel.

watch me die
and come back to life
and breath
I am alive.

hear my screams at night
watch me toss and turn under my blanket
call my name and cry when I don't reply
I am here.

it's time to hit the road now
I feel so torn leaving all this behind
but the unknown is where I want to go.
let me be.

if I take you with me,
I will love you forever.
if I leave you behind,
I will remember you for a very long time.
if you choose to come with me,
I will never let you go.

it's time for me to leave.
this is a goodbye.

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