want me

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the wish for someone to want me
.....how bizarre it is.
I am used to wanting to want someone,
to feel that fire in my chest

but now, I am almost fully awakened to a new need
the need to be wanted.

how many times have I been strung along
only to find nothing when I leave?

what I want is to be wanted,
and not in that quiet sort of way.

chase after me when I walk away,
hunt me down in the dead of night
prowl the area I say I'm in
just in hopes of catching a glance at me

take me down when I float too high
and feed upon all I give you
then ask for more
as for as much as I can comfortably give

and I hope I'll learn to give more

want me before I even know how to want you
breathe in my skin and my bones and my air
bask in what energy I bestow today
be all that you are and let me be more
let me shatter at the break of day

and soon,
I will learn
how to puff out my chest and be brave
and bask in the light of the day.

I want to be wanted
so heavily, so much
I am wanted
at least by myself.

I would never leave me.

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