by the ocean

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I sit by the ocean
and glow in the night
as I think of you

you are everything I love
and everything I love is you
you are the first breath I take when my eyes open in the dawn's milky glow
you are the last coherent thought as I drift into sleep's dreamy haze

I have loved you for so long
and yet even I didn't realize it
my love for you runs so deeply through me
that I sometimes feel as though you are more than just a part of me
we, in all our differences and quirks, are one and yet two

it takes a proper amount of time
to love someone so deeply
that you feel as though you are one and the same

I have not felt that for so many years
because I was afraid

but you said I don't always have to be so strong
and suddenly it all melted away
like glass to a white hot flame

the thread is pulling me onwards
towards you
and I want it to pull me faster

we are connected in ways we do not yet know
and I am excited to find you again.

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