but, now?

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I did not used to want
I did not used to imagine
I did not used to smile
and I did not used to love

and now,
as warmth blossoms in my chest,
the heat overtaking my brain
as I lose the want to speak
I realize that I want,
and I imagine futures for myself,
and I smile,
and I love love love with every particle in my body

I did not used to want
but, now?
I want every day
and I have started taking for myself
and it is scary, but I like it
it is only scary because I've never done it before
and I do not know it as well
this sort of want—
the kind where I know what I want in my future—
this desire, it is unfamiliar to me

I am not used to it

but, with luck and care,
I will be soon.

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