Claudine: I Have Perfected Perfectly Perfect Perfection

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Perfection is a game,
and I am winning
The boldest sacrifice,
I assure you, it is mine
I gave up my normal life
And I am perfect

I have perfected the art
Of second-guessless guest lists
I am perfectly intune with this life
I am perfect in every way
Every word said again sounds the same
I want all that I should
Except for a.....(sighs)

Perfection is a game,
And I am winning
The boldest sacrifice,
I assure you, it is mine!
I gave up my average life,
I surpassed my average height
I have overaverage nights
And I am perfect

Perfectly perfect

I have perfected perfectly perfect perfection
Nothing rattles my perfectly perfect self-collection
No freckle nor scar shatters my perfect complexion
I have perfected perfectly perfect perfection!

My perfective perspective
is perfectionism certified
Perfectionist, "I'm perfect" is
A factual statement
Perfectivizing what they're devizing
Terrorizing, yet I'm divine it's
a TRAGEDY that I'm the only me!

I'm a perfectible collectable,
No, there are no other mes!
I'm the perfectest perfectionist
In all of Downward Tree!

I have perfected perfectly perfect perfection!
Everybody is perfect because of me!

Everywhere throughout my life
Down to all my pain and strife
Is perfection guaranteed!
Who even cares if I want a wife?!
It won't happen in this life!
I am perfection guaranteed!

Even if something is missing,
It won't stop what I am missing
And there is nothing I am missing
Because I, of course
Am Miss Perfect Claudine!

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