mothman's lover

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to put it simply,
I do not enjoy other people.
I do not like their presence,
as it distracts me from my silence,
and is entirely useless and therefore unwelcome.

to put it simply,
I don't care to fix myself.
I am fine just the way I am,
even if I forget to eat,
and to drink,
and to sleep.

to put it simply,
I don't care if I'm good or bad.
all I know is I am broken,
and in pain,
and I will not speak up.

to put it simply,
you have changed me.
you take care of me
and I take care of you
and we take care of her.

to put it simply,
you have healed me.
healed me in places I didn't identify pain,
places I didn't know I had,
and in places where I knew it had long been needed.

to put it simply,
I am in love with you.
you have healed me and have changed me,
and I have healed you and have changed you,
and there is nothing in this world that I want more than you.

don't just sleep in my bed.
curl up into my arms
and call me yours
because that's what I am.
I am nobody's but mine and yours and hers.

to put it simply,
I am in love with you.
and with our family,
and with our history,
and even with myself.

isn't that fascinating?

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