do you really love me?

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do you really love me?
don't lie to me anymore.
you make me sick,
I don't like your perfect truth
give me the real truth.

were you just going to abandon me for him?
were you going to up and fucking leave?
I never thought I'd feel this way.
fuck you.

fuck you for every single thing you did to them.
fuck you for every single thing you did to me.
fuck you for every single thing you did to us.

fuck. you.

just because you're in pain doesn't mean you get to do whatever the hell you want.
I am hurting so fucking bad right now.

I don't want to be a part of this family anymore.

give me a new one.

I don't like you,
and I don't like that I love you.

I didn't deserve to have people like you in my life.
you suck.

get out.

go be happy somewhere else.

I wish you the best.

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