bird in the night

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the desire to protect and avenge becomes stronger than the desire to be peaceful
I am so many things, but right now, I am just tired
my blood boils in soft sunshine
can you handle the heat?

like rot and hollow, it's echoed in me
the calm before the storm is tossed away in the sea
an ocean of lies stands before me
but give me a week, and justice I'll bring.

I am not afraid of people or places or death
and I am not afraid of losing my breath
I am not afraid of the good I'll bring
I am only afraid of you hearing me sing.

like a bird in the night,
my soul is set free
of all the injustice and inequity
when I don't think anyone else hears my sound
I bare my soul freely, because no one is around

and then, along you came,
with a heart in your chest,
and gave me the privilege
of stealing your breath.

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